Chocolate and Childish Chums

Start from the beginning

There they found the second surprise of the day: Virgil, who had apparantly made four delicious looking hot chocolates, each with a finish of whipped cream, a trickle of chocolate sauce, and three marshmallows.

He was just putting the final touches on his masterpieces: grating chocolate on top - when Patton startled him.

"What's all this kiddo?" He had his hands on his hips and his expression was one of curious delight.

Virgils blush was apparent even under the tonne of makeup he always wore.

He cleared his throat...he had rehearsed this all day with Truth at the back of the mind...

" it was about time we had a serious chat about Thomas and I...and the last few months-" Virgil was cut off abruptly by Patton who launched towards him and latched on in a fierce hug. Virgil dropped the grater and the chocolate on the floor and heard it clang loudly. He winced.

Roman picked them up quickly: the grater's handle seemed to be broken and the chocolate had shattered into a few smaller blocks. Virgil felt his stomach churn.

"I...I'm sorry..." Virgil stammered, embarrassed.

"Nonsense...Virgil. It was no trouble at all. The grater was old anyway and I can fix it!" Princey puffed out his chest as the grater bent and mended itself in his hands. Perks of being creativity, Virgil guessed.

Roman smiled encouragingly, trying his best to show Virgil his gratitude.

Logan sat down at the table as Patton finally let go of Virgil.

"These look...very nice Virgil. Thank You." Logan tried not to sound too surprised. He took a large sip and to his absolute horror: he let out an involuntary moan.

"Am I dreaming?" Virgil silently asked Truth, as he gaped at the mortified Logical trait.

"no, that did just actually happen." Truth's delight and glee made Virgil feel okay to start to giggle.

Logans eyes were wide open with shock and embarrassment as Roman and Patton absolutely lost it. Virgil started laughing harder too.

Logan composed himself, ever the picture of dignity, and pierced his lips together. He still hadn't realised that he had a whipped cream mustache, which somewhat cracked the facade for the others.

"Well, it was a very satisfying drink Virgil-"

Roman started howling, months of worry and tension all being burned away by the insane laughter that was bubbling through him.

"Who knew Virgil could be so good at giving you SATISFACTION!" The Prince managed.

Logan started to laugh too, finally conceding that they all needed this so badly.

The others took their seats and took a deep sip from their own cups...

Each moaned, similarly to Logan. The four started cackling again, revelling in the simplicity and childishness of it.

It became a game: everytime someone took a sip, they would try to illicit a larger response by making more and more obscene noises...while maintaining all their lovely white moustaches.

It finally ended with Patton clearing away the dishes and all four of them lapsing into a content silence, wiping the tears from their eyes and the remains of their mustaches away.

"So...what happened with Thomas today?" Virgil figured he would ask while the others were calm and happy - and before he chickened out. He could feel Truth egging him on at the back of his head. The odd feeling in his stomach felt like...confidence?

Roman clapped him jovially on his back. "As if you don't know!"

Virgil giggled, feeling slightly confused. Logan picked up on this immediately.

"Thomas had the optimal day and completed several arduous and stressful tasks that usually...err...might have seemed like too much for him. Without a hitch."

Virgil vaguely noticed his heartbeat picking up.

"Whatever you did, you really nailed it son!" Patton sat back down, beaming.

"Truth, what happens to me when I go to the back of the mind?" Virgil thought carefully, trying his best not to assume the worst.

"We are back on track I feel, and I'm feeling more creative by the second!" Roman pronounced.

Virgil felt his stomach lurch. He hadn't done anything...

"i think...i think the back of the mind may have, dulled you? muffled you? while you were there..." Truth sounded unsure, apprehensive.

"So I basically one noticed...and Thomas had the best day ever?" Virgil surmised.

The others were still looking at him eagerly...proudly...


Virgil plastered on his signature smirk.

"I just played Disney songs all day instead of My Chemical Romance."

Roman jumped up and pumped the air in delight. "YES! ANOTHER WIN FOR THE DISNEY KINGDOM!"

Virgil faked a yawn, and thankfully Patton started fussing, as he'd hoped.

"Well, don't worry about that, you scamper off to bed now son. You've done great today! I'll make you your favourite breakfast tomorrow morning and we can chat more then! If you feel like it, of course."

Virgil gratefully escaped the kitchen, the dream had quickly devolved into a nightmare...

His breathing hitched as he stumbled into his room.

He closed the door softly.

"i'm...i'm so sorry virgil." Truth sounded like he had had the wind kicked out of him.

Virgil just sank down to the ground, curled into a ball, and just started to cry.

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