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-Ally's P.O.V-

"Aye Calum guess what?" Gab yelled over the loud music, we were currently at a Back To School party which made no sense, who would celebrate because school started? I just don't understand some people but I went anyway.

"What." Calum answered in a monotone, obviously knowing what Gab's about to say.

"It's your turn, truth or dare?" Gab smirked while Calum groaned, Gab takes these type of games seriously so I feel sad for Calum, I wonder what he'll pick.

"Fine, I pick-"

"Don't be a chicken Calum, be a man." Gab interrupted Calum, he probably thought Calum was gonna choose Truth, actually I think everyone thought Calum was gonna choose Truth, even me. Calum hates dares and I'm afraid he has to do one now.

"Let's get this over with, Dare." Calum said which caused almost everyone to chuckle, everyone except me. Calum's my best friend and I know him the most, he's not weak or soft, he's just really sensitive and people keep teasing him because of that and Calum doesn't like that so he tries his best to be braver.

"Good choice, finally Calum!" Gab joked, everyone thinks Calum's that weak and soft geek but for me, he's still the bravest, strongest and manliest one here.

When I was younger, I promised myself I would never like Calum Hood and we would just be friends. But then, we became best friends and we were always together which made me like him, more than just a friend which means I broke a promise.

After that little happening I promised myself that I will never brake a promise ever again. And if someone promised me something and broke it, I would never forget what he/she did. I would forgive him/her because if I don't then that'll be too childish.

"Okay, let me see.." Gab thought of a dare for Calum which clearly made Calum nervous. Oh wait a minute, why am I calling Cal Calum? Stupid me, we have nicknames for each other obviously! I call him Cal and he calls me Al, it rhymes right? That's the point. Cal and Al, best friends forever.

"I got it!" Gab suddenly yelled which made me jump a little, I got surprised okay! Don't judge me.

Gab smirked at Cal then at me which scared me, if he's smirking at me too it only means one thing and one thing only,

"7 minutes in heaven with Ally baby," I'm going to do the dare with Cal. 

"WHAT!?" Both me and Cal shouted which earned chuckles from everyone, I don't get it we're just fifteen! We're too young for those types of things! Why'd Gab choose that? Everyone else was a bit tipsy which was so wrong, I thought Gab was a good friend. I guess he's a little but drunk too.

 -Calum's P.O.V-

"We-we-can't do that! We're-too-too young!" I yelled but at the same time stuttered which made me look like a douchebag.

"Calum, 7 minutes in heaven doesn't mean you two have to make out, just do something special within seven minutes." Gab explained and winked, I groaned in response since I know they're going to find a way to embarrass me and this is it. 

"No! I know you're doing this to make me look like a dork in front of everyone but Gab I'm-"

"Cal, let's just do it okay?" Al interrupted me with her soft voice, uhm she-she wants to do this? She's the one who said "Oh Cal, I want my first kiss to be with someone I loove!" And now she wants to do this little dare with me?

"You-you sure?" I stuttered once again, I am such a dork, nope I'm not saying I'm not because I am.

"Yes Calum, there's the closet right there," She said pointing towards the closet, the empty closet at the back of the room. I looked at everyone first before standing up and going to the closet.

Al soon followed me and we were both on our way to the closet to the the typical 7-minutes-in-heaven game. Oh this is so exciting, note the sarcasm.

We entered the closet-and we surprisingly both fit and heard a sound that sounds like a key which means they locked the closet which also means there's no escaping now.

"What are we going to do?" I whispered to Al since we both know the others are creepily listening to us, they're nosey people we now don't like. I thought Gab was a good person! I guess not.

"Okay, just pretend I said something funny and laugh." Al said which is confusing but I did it anyway, I fake laughed but it did sound real so we mentally high fived.

I stared at her perfect blue eyes which kinda looks like a light grey color if you ask me while she stared at my oh-so-dull brown eyes.

After about 30 seconds of staring at each other I slowly leaned in without thinking which made Al's eyes go wide, so she quickly looked away and I coughed awkwardly, oh dear.

"Just promise me one thing Calum." Every time she says me full first name she's serious and every time I say her full first name I'm serious, sometimes I accidentally call her Ally but that isn't her full first name anyway so I guess that's fine.

"What is it Ally?" I whispered back and she smiled, she always tells me out of all the people who calls her Ally, she likes hearing it from me the most but she also likes it when I call her Al...

"Pro-promise me, you won't kiss me okay?" She whispered which made me gasp a little, she knew what I was about to do and if she didn't stop it, we would be fighting right now.

"I-I promise Ally." I stuttered because I'm not so sure if I can, I mean look at her right now! She's wearing simple clothes, the galaxy printed leggings made her outfit catch attention.

I know two minutes had passed and all me and Al did was smile at each other and whisper inside jokes to make the situation less uncomfortable.

"Oh! Remember Jack the builder?" I chuckled and nodded, Jack was our classmate when we were in fifth grade and he always separates the parts of a ball pen and places it back together, he tells everyone he's an engineer but both me and Al thought he's just Jack the builder.

"FOUR MORE MINUTES!" We heard a shout and some laughs that followed, I can't believe Gab actually dared me this, I mean I'm so close to Al that I might do something stupid!

After a few minutes I guess one and a half more minutes was left, we weren't talking anymore and that sucks. Just when I was about to say something Al looked at my eyes and stared at them.

We had a short little staring contest until I decided to brake it, oh I didn't look away. I did something stupid and dumb and I regret it, seriously.

I closed my eyes and leaned in before I finally feel Al's soft lips kissing me back. I guess our closeness to each other made me want to kiss her? But whatever, I enjoyed it.

"Okay time is up-WOOPS!" We suddenly stopped kissing each other and Al slightly pushed me away, this is so embarrassing okay you don't even know.

Al got out of the closet and ran to the bathroom while I followed her, she closed and locked the door though so I had no way to get in.

What made me do that? I'm so stupid.

The last words I heard before leaving was "I told you not to kiss me," and Al said that, I promised her I wouldn't kiss her and look what I did! I ruined everything.


[A/N] I know Calum had his first kiss when he was like thirteen but this is different okay. This aint real life, this is a world full of imagination-I'm going to stop talking now.

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