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Again : This is a first draft, so I am sorry if it doesn't meet your expectations
Posted 22:00 EET standard time


It was so sudden . I was truly not myself after everything started going downhill



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"No signal"

He didn't move an inch, the phone slowly falling from his hand and breaking the stillness around them when it made contact with the cold wooden floor. His eyes followed the now broken device at his feet, no expression what-so-ever taking over those sharp features anyone would be mad jealous seeing.

He didn't seem to mind the way his feet slowly crumbled what was left from the phone into pieces, as he strolled to the other side of the room. You wanted to speak up and calm him down, but the clock's ticking was roaring in your ears, making it harder for any thoughts to clearly form and make sense of each other.

Without any care he moved one of the chairs closer to the window and took a sit, not daring to put his head up as the arms slowly rose and made themselves a shield for it. The dim light from outside was casting heavy shadows on him, making his body look no more than a mere painting whose paint was slowly chipping away. As he always does when it felt hopeless, whimpers rose from his throat accompanied by small cries of despair. Putting his legs up as he crawled in a fetus-like position on the chair, he let out a sigh and moved his head to the side, having you in his vision.

"What if she's dead?"

You didn't dare to move, for the first time being truly scared to jump in his arms in a comforting manner. The ticking got louder with every breath you took in your defenseless manner of blaming it on the clock. Hearing him whispering your name through the tears that kept on falling, you just torn away your gaze as silent cries broke free from your lips.

"She must be alive, my little girl is strong."

You spoke with unknown sureness, still bothered by his alert clock. You couldn't comprehend how it's so strong and awfully loud.

Too sad that the clock wasn't the one to blame.

The ticking was dying down, letting his cries fill your ears with the pain they've held all this time. With a sudden movement, his head shot back up and titled on the side letting a pair of charcoal eyes free from the messy gray hair that shielded them. You weren't moving at all as he took in your features one last time.

And you finally heard that gunshot followed by a horrific scream.

Along with his now lifeless body on the floor.


Word count: 420

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