Voldemort nodded his consent and Hermione and Ron returned to Harry's side. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I glanced up to see the warm, brown eyes of my mother. "You've done extremely well, Percy. Thank you for rescuing us."

"I would do anything for you, mom. Even if it means I have to give my own life to save you." I said. Sally leaned down and whispered "What a lovely young lady she is, isn't she?"

I scowled up at my mother, knowing that she was talking about Hermione. "Absolutely not, I have Annabeth and that is all I need. My heart belongs to her, and her only."

My scowl deepened when Sally started to laugh. "I knew you were going to react this way, Percy. I was just joking."

"It certainly didn't sound like it." I grumbled. Sally chuckled before her expression turned serious. "Perseus, you have to be more careful. You can't just jump into a crack you had made in the ground without assessing it first."

"How can I assess it if I couldn't even see the bottom clearly?"

My mother sighed. "Many people have tried to take you, Percy. I can't loose you, I wouldn't know what to do if I had."

I hugged her tightly and felt my mother relax into my grip. "Don't worry mom, you're not going to lose me."

"Percy, you've nearly died so many times-"I held up a hand to stop her and smiled up at her worried face. "Yeah, that's the key word. Nearly died. But I haven't died, have I?"

Sally heastied before shaking her head and kissing me on the cheek. "Just be safe please, Percy."

I smiled and nodded and turned back to Hermione, Harry, Ron, and Voldemort, who were all looking at me with smiles. Well, on Voldemort's part, it was more like a sneer than a smile, but I didn't care.

"So, are we ready to head back to Hogwarts?" I asked them. They all nodded, but just before I created the portal, Voldemort stopped me. "Perseus, come with me."

I noticed my friend's anxious expressions and I rolled my eyes. My grandfather won't hurt me.

"Yeah sure." I walked a little bit away from the others and looked at Voldemort. "What's up?" "I still do not get why you let Harry Potter and those other two come on this mission." Voldemort said.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Seriously?! I thought you guys were cool."

"Oh no, we are good. But I am surprised, you hated them in the start and then bam, they are on this quest with you?"

"They didn't really ask for permission to come." I laughed, seeing the confused expression on Voldemort's face. "So they basically just came even though I didn't want to. But I needed the extra help anyways, I'm actually grateful they came."

Voldemort nodded slowly, and then clapped me on the back. "You've done well. You've surpassed my expectations of you, Perseus. I am proud."

I smiled as Voldemort withdrew his hand, but then he frowned. "You do know that I cannot go to Hogwarts, right? I will be seen."

"Why honestly did I not think of that before." I sighed, putting a hand to my forehead. "How about this: You come through the portal with us and then Apparate back to your mansion?"

Voldemort nodded once again and I turned back to my friends and my mother, who were eyeing us suspiciously. "Okay! We're ready to go."

I pointed my hand out and concentrated. Slowly, the water from a nearby pond rose up and swirled around, creating a vortex. Sweat dripped down my face but I kept up the vortex until it turned into a water portal. I dropped my hand, breathing heavily.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione went first, and then I followed with my mother and Voldemort. When we arrived, dawn was just rising. That meant that Voldemort had to hurry or else someone would see him.

"I'll see you around, gramps." I said, looking at Voldemort. He nodded curtly before turning to the Golden Trio. "Second chance." Voldemort said before vanishing with a loud CRACK.

The trio exchanged confused looks before I turned to my mother. "Mom, you're going to have to get back, too. Maybe if I create another-""No Percy, you're tired. I can tell. I'll just ask the Headmistress to bring me back to the apartment." Sally said. She hugged me one last time before vanishing into the shadows.

We all stood in silence for a few more moments before Ron mumbled "You know, it's not breakfast quite yet. So....."

"Sleep it is." Harry said, grinning. He turned to me and smiled. "See you around, Percy."

"You too, Potter."

Word count: 1420



oh yeah, thanks for 5000 reads! :)

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