Evangelion: New System (Part 8)

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  May 29- Kane: Let me level with you. As you can tell from Asuka's description of what I did during my own surgery, I'm not exactly... normal. I'm not an angel, but I... well let me just tell you the story.   When I was 13, as you may remember from my background story, I was chosen as the first EVA pilot. This is classified above top secret, but there was an angel attack that was never reported. Only commander Ikari, my father, Misato and later myself knew of its existence. It was the emergence of an angel called Lucifer. It appeared not as a towering bringer of destruction, but as a man-sized being. When it appeared, I was sitting in on a meeting between commander Ikari, the overseer of the Evangelion project, my father, the lead researcher, and Misato, the field commander. My father always insisted I went to these meetings. Lucifer, from thin air, appeared in the room, looking almost human, with the exception of, as I'm sure you could guess, his eyes, which were red with multiple rings. No flashy explosions or light to mark his arrival, he just was there when he hasn't been a second before. He approached commander Ikari, who didn't even flinch. It's almost as if they expected him to appear. This is something I have been investigating for years, with no results at all.    

Lucifer: Human, Gendo Ikari, director of the Evangelion program. I am here as a representative of an almighty force. Why must you interfere with us? You are only delaying your own destruction at the hands of our creator.  

Gendo: Who are you, angel?  

Lucifer: I am Lucifer. Much like you are to NERV, I am to the angels.   

Donovan (my father): So you're their leader?    

I feel it necessary to remind all of you that I was 13 at the time, and absolutely scared shitless. I would have bolted, but I was glued to my position, frozen with sheer terror.  

Lucifer: A very human way of looking at it, but I suppose. I won't waste your time. Your race has so little of it. I have come here to stop the Evangelion project. My disciples, Adam and Lillith, have shown you what we are capable of. I can see that the Evangelion project will interfere with our efforts, so I have come to stop it.  

Gendo: Never. Despite what you say, your kind is not all-powerful. We can and will continue to defeat you. We passed the point of peaceful negotiations after Adam and Lilith came here.

Donovan: I suggest you leave, Lucifer, before we show you what Evangelion can really do. You see that boy? He will destroy you with our Evangelion.    

It looked at me and I felt like I was going to die. It appeared in front of me, standing next to commander Ikari one second, inches from me the next.    

Lucifer: Human, Kane Shinari, Evangelion Unit 10's pilot. Why do you defy us?    

I was so completely paralyzed with fear that my father had to answer for me.    

Donovan: If you harm him, I will personally see to your destruction.    

Lucifer smiled, and looked at my dad.     

Lucifer: Human, Donovan Shinari, you are of no further use to the Evangelion program. You will be terminated.    

A beam of energy shot from his arm and impaled my father against the wall of the room. Blood sprayed as if pumped from a mighty hose. I screamed. Misato drew her gun and fired at Lucifer. The bullets bounced off of him like they were rubber. He looked at Misato.    

Lucifer: Human, Misato...    

But he didn't finish. Having broken my trance of fesr, leapt into one of spitting fury, I jumped on Lucifer from behind. I wrapped my arms around his neck in a choke-hold.    

Lucifer: Do not interfere, small human. I will not hesitate to destroy you like your father.    

I grabbed at his face with my hand in an act of desperation. He turned his head around like an owl to look at me. His eyes were horrifying above all, but instead of closing my eyes, I stared into his. That act, as it turned out, saved everybody in the room, and possibly humanity as a whole. He began to scream in an unearthly voice, and turned into a blazing light that burned in a way I cannot even put into words. When the light faded, I was flat on my back, staring at the ceiling, my mouth open, eyes unmoving like a dead fish. The next several hours I can only see in flashes, but I finally regained regular consciousness in a hospital bed with my arms and legs tightly bound up. Commander Ikari and Misato were there, watching me.    

Misato: Kane? Is it you in there?  

Me: What do you mean?  

Misato: What's your name?  

Me: Kane Shinari.  

Misato: How old are you?  

Me: Thirteen.  

Misato: It's him.  

Gendo: Kane. Do you remember what happened?  

Me: (a long pause) that... thing... attacked my father.  

Gendo: Kane... we don't know exactly what happened with the angel... but from what we can tell by your brain wave activity... the angel has merged with your subconscious and even into your DNA. You're still you physically, but mentally, that angel is still in your mind.  

Me: But... I still feel and think like me.  

Misato: That's what we can't explain. It's rooted so deeply in your subconscious that as far as we can tell, it should have no affects on your mental state.  

Me: So... I'm okay?  

Gendo: For now. You will be closely monitored for the next 3 weeks to check for any re-emergence of the angel.  

Me: And... my dad? He's okay too, right? Right?  

Gendo: I'm sorry, Kane. He was a great man, and I'm sorry to have lost him. My deepest condolences.    

The next three weeks were terrible. I couldn't so much as take a piss without having these three doctors taking notes. That didn't make dealing with the death of my only caregiver any easier. But by the time the doctors were finished observing me, I had finished mourning. I moved on. I vowed to become the best EVA pilot I could be to avenge him. Two years later, I could barely stay sober. Thats what they get for letting me live on my own after that. Misato technically became my guardian, but it was just so I wouldn't be taken back to the US to live with my mother. She checked on me occasionally, but left me alone most of the time. I was like that for a year, drowning out those memories, and above all, the fact that my father's killer lived within my own consciousness. I got past that time, and with it, suppressed those memories. I became a powerful EVA pilot, like I promised. And it was not until yesterday did it resurface. It saved me. I know I would have died without that... thing. And now I am beginning to feel different. Stronger. More powerful. More like I always imagined the angels felt.  

*End Log 8*

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