Evangelion: New System (Part 3)

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  May 24- Hey there recording thing. Took a tour of Tokyo 3 with Rei last night. We went and got my car from the garage (after convincing Misato to let us go) and drove around until she picked a place to go. A little dimly lit place on the lake. Oddly... romantic for her. Wondering just whats on that little mind of hers. Anyways, we had some dinner and went to watch the sunset from... a... clifftop... oh my god. I think I just went on a date. Oof. Well ain't that something. I almost feel bad. I don't want to mix work with personal. That, and I kinda thought her and Shinji fit well. Ya know... the shy kids. Aaagh, what do I know about relationships? *Silence* Thats right. Not a thing. I suppose I'll just watch things unfold. Am I supposed to only record business with EVAs on here? Or everything? Eh. I'll do both. Nothing scheduled today. Just school shit for them. I'm out of highschool now, so I have more time. Thinking about taking a job somewhere at NERV that pays. I love being an EVA pilot, but I don't even get paid for saving humanity! Eh... I'll just train today. See you later, faithful recording machine.

   Later: I have a theory, recording device, that I am a cosmic magnet for weird shit. Aside from everything NERV related, this applies to normal, everyday issues too. Like today, I'm in the BattleSim program, doing some training, when, as I'm trying to pin an angel (unarmed combat) Unit 002 jumps in out of nowhere and rips the angel's head off with a AT Knife.

   Asuka: Need some help there?

Me: Not really...

Asuka: Looked like he pinned you.

Me: I was practicing flips.

Asuka: Right... new round?

Me: Why not? What sim?

Asuka: Pilot battle.

Me: Aren't you supposed to be in school or something, Asuka?

Asuka: Probably. But I'm not.

Me: Heh sounds like me back in those days. I like that.

Asuka: *to operator* start pilot battle sim.

Operator: Sim starting. Location?

Asuka: City Battle.

Me: What's with the sudden urge to battle me head on?

Asuka: I need to proove I'm not afraid of you.

Me: Aaah, that got in your head?

Asuka: Certainly not! I just want to show you how wrong you are.

Me: Alright. Let's see what you got.  

The fight didn't last long. In her haste to prove she was fearless, she drew her AT-Knife and charged me head-on. I waited unit she was close, and drew my AT-Katana. I quickly disarmed her, using the sword to knock Asuka's knife away. She jumped back, and fired her spike-cannon. I dodged, but it was a diversion. She ran up and knocked my sword away with a kick before I could move it away. However, getting in so close was a fatal mistake. I grabbed her EVA's arms, and threw her through a building. I drew my own AT-Knife and pounced on her like a wild cat. Once I had her pinned, I got my EVA's face right in hers, and prepared to show her just how scared of me she was.  

Me: Gotcha.

Asuka: Nnngh... not yet!

Me: *puts knife to her throat*

Asuka: No...

Me: (Horrible demonic scream) *slits throat*

Asuka: *scream*

Me: I win.

Operator: You aren't supposed to terminate the other pilot. She wins due to...

Me: I prooved my point. Asuka Langely is scared of me.

  I left the sim and went to go get coffe or beer, whichever I could find first. To my disappointment, it was coffee. It was crappy NERV break room coffee too. Misato walks in after a couple minutes.

Misato: Kane...

Me: Hi Misato.

Misato: I was watching your match with Asuka.

Me: I see... and?

Misato: You're evil.

Me: Hah! Oh this is fun... tell me, miss Misato, how so?

Misato: You horrified her.

Me: She shouldn't be bothered by such things.

Misato: Remember, Kane, that not everybody heartless like you. She could feel your bloodlust like it was a real knife to her real throat.

Me: Bloodlust? You are mistaken, miss Misato. She claimed to not be scared of me, and I proved her wrong. Simple as that.

Misato: But that was cruel.

Me: Why are you being soft on her? She isnt Shinji.

Misato: You may be strong, but you're not perceptive in the least.

Me: Explain to me how.

Misato: Haha... oh you will see...

  She left after that. Thinking nothing of it, I went back to my room. Rei was still gone. I went to go find some food. Not much happens until about 8:00 pm that night. I'm finishing my food alone ( Rei went with Misato and Shinji for dinner ) and there is a knock on my door. Not too pleased to be disturbed from my cup of instant noodles, I checked to see who it was.

Me: Didn't expect you here.

Asuka: Nice to see you too. 

Me: Yeah. Need something?

Asuka: Stop being a dick and open the door?

Me: Magic word?

Asuka: Open the 'fucking' door?

Me: Good enough for me.

  I open the door and she steps in. Hate to admit it, but she looked exceptionally cute. And only an EVA pilot would be able to say this, but she also smelled good... like LCL, as we all do.

Me: What brings you here, Asuka?

Asuka: Why did you do that?

Me: Open the door? You asked so nicely.

Asuka: No you idiot! The sim match earlier. Why did you do that?

Me: Aah. Well, you said you were not afraid of me. I proved you wrong. That's all. I wish you no harm whatsoever.

Asuka: I still need to prove I have no fear of you.

Me: Oh? How so?

Asuka: Something like this.

She leans forward and my lips meet hers. This lasts for maybe 5 seconds. They were warm and moist, and reminded me of how it had been a while since I had done this.

Asuka: So there.

Me: Well then... gotta admit, I didn't see that coming.

Asuka: Hehe... I'm not afraid of you. At least, not anymore.

Me: I can accept this defeat.

Asuka: That's cute. But that's all I came here for.

Me: Oh really?

Asuka: Yes. I'm in no way hoping you will invite me to stay for a while or anything crazy...

Me: Hey Asuka?

Asuka: Yes?

Me: Wanna stay for a while? I have popcorn and a fair selection of movies.

Asuka: Thought you'd never ask.  

   One and a half movies later, she's passed out on my couch. "I wonder when Rei is getting back... and how am I going to explain this off to Misato?" As if the universe heard me think this, I get a text from Misato that said Rei wouldn't be coming back tonight. No clue what to do with miss Asuka here either. Suppose we shall find out later. Goodnight recording device. Sleep well. I doubt I will.   *End Log 3*

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