Evangelion: New System (Part 2)

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May 23-

Kane: Hey again, recording thing. Today, we will be conducting a training mission in the actual EVAs. It's secret secret shit... so even somebody as *coughs* important *coughs again* as myself is unaware what is going on. Anyways, first night of having my new roommate was uneventful. I think they put me with Rei to get her to be more outgoing. It's beginning to work already. She barely talked when I first met her a long time ago, but once we got talking about EVAs and Angels and that crap... the challenge is getting her to stop! She's a very interesting girl, and I intend to discover more about her past. I have a theory that she's not... normal. Not crazy... heh that's most likely me, but not... totally human? I don't know. All I know is she is WICKED smart, like this kid makes physics professors look like retards. That, and she's just a little off. Like she is a program meant to act like a shy 16 year old girl, but they didn't finish beta testing. But that's just my paranoia. Oh and look at my timing! Time to go run some EVA training. I'll report the results later.

Kane: Hey there. Whoa man, did I do some crazy shit today. The training was ODAR training, which stands for Orbital Drop Assault Response. The EVAs and pilots were carried by rocket to the drop-shock carrier that NERV has in orbit around the Earth. Then, the EVAs were put in these launch pods, which...

Rei: Aren't you not supposed to talk about this? Actually no, I explicitly remember commander Ikari saying...

Kane: Nobody will ever even hear this anyways, Rei.

Rei: Are you sure of that?

Kane: Probably.

Rei: You can be a bit of a moron sometimes *leaves room*

Kane: Aaaaahhh dammit... well on with the report. We get injected into the EVAs and they give us instructions to take down these drones they have flying around. They dropped us all at the same time. Asuka got out in front, obviously, and ripped the first drone apart. I landed on her EVA, and jumped off of it to smash into the second drone, narrowly missing Shinji in the process. By the time we landed on the sky-carrier waiting for us, Asuka had taken out 8 drones, I had taken 6, Rei took 5 and Shinji took 1. To the mutual surprise of the team, we were taken back up to the orbital ship for a second round. Once we all were in place again, we were informed of a new twist this time. We would be dropped individually, but the order would be random. This seemed to scare the living shit out of Shinji for some reason. Rei was dropped first. At the time, I didn't know there was only one target for each of us, so nobody heard her score. Shinji went next, and for a moment it was just me and Asuka. Here's our conversation log (which was in a private channel between the two of us that command couldn't hear).

Asuka: Hey Kane?

Me: Yeah?

Asuka: How's living with that little freak?

Me: Don't call her that...

Asuka: You must see it too... she's not normal!

Me: Neither am I.

Asuka: You know what I mean.

Me: I think you mean you're scared

Asuka: What???

Me: You're scared of her, so you push her away like that.

Asuka: That's stupid! How could I be afraid of her?

Me: Because I know how you react to people you're afraid of.

Asuka: Hah! I'm not afraid of anybody!

Me: Yes you are.

Asuka: Oh really? Who then, huh?

Me: Me.

And I dropped down into the atmosphere, severing the link as I fell. I shot downward until I saw the target. It looked like an EVA, but it had wings that it was using to guide its flight. It shot over to me, and I grabbed it my the head, squishing it as I fell. I heard a *crack!* sound, and kicked it off. Still falling, it shoots back towards me and takes swipes at me with its arm-blades. I roll and dodge until I can grab its arm. Running out of time before I splash down in the Pacific, I snapped its arm clean off, and impaled it through the solar-plexus (where the pilot pod was). It went limp, and fell with me into the water. The recovery crew quickly got us both, and put us back on the carrier we had been assigned. After we got back to the NERV base, the EVAs were stored away and the pilots were given the night off. Asuka refused to talk to me, and Rei wanted to come back here, so I accompanied her. It will be interesting to see how the situation with Asuka plays out, but for now, I feel like going for a drive. Hmm... wonder if they sent my car with me... hey Rei?

Rei: Yes?

Kane: If NERV has my car, wanna go out to eat somewhere?

Rei: Umm... sure...

Kane: *quietly to the mic* and that's how you get things done. With balls.

*End Log 2*

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