"Good for you. You need to take control. You're 17. Live your life the way you want to live it. They can't control you forever. Pretty soon, you're gonna be moving out and going to college. They need to learn how to let go."

"Exactly." He smiled grabbing my hand, intertwining our fingers. "I'm glad you understand."

"Well Brooklyn's going through the same thing. Her parents try to control her but it never works. She's pretty crazy but I love her. She's like my sister." I smiled.

"I can tell. It's good to be close to someone besides a family member. Even though Mason's my cousin, we treat each other like brothers. I don't know what I would do without him. Well actually I do; I would be in trouble all the time." He laughed.

"Why?" I asked.

"I was always getting in trouble at Nevada. I was arrested twice and almost sent to Juvie. I got in fights all the time and I got drunk every weekend. I was a player and slept with a different girl every day. Mason did too but he stayed away from police. He didn't go to the extremes I did. One day, he sat my down and told me I had to get my sh** together or I would end up in prison. Coming from Mason, I actually listened and started doing better. We have and always will have each others backs."

Wow. I would have never expected Ezra to be a bad boy. I gotta admit, It's kind of hot. No. Scratch that. It's freaking sexy!

"I'm glad you trust me enough to tell me this. I hope we can keep it this way." I said as we arrived at the party.

Its a huge barn! It's as big or maybe even bigger than my house.

"I feel like I can tell you anything. I hope you feel the same way."

I didn't say anything. I just looked up at him and smiled. I don't know if I trust him enough to tell him my life's story. I'm glad he trusts me but he said it himself: He used to be a player. I don't wanna just be one of his newest toys. I've done been through that and I'm not gonna do it again.

When we entered the back of the barn, I noticed a disco ball in the center of the barn hanging up. There was hay scattered along the floor. There was beautiful girls everywhere. I feel so ugly compared to them. Why did Ezra ask me on a date when all of these girls are here?

Noticing me, Ezra whispered in my ear, sending chills down my spine.

"You're beautiful Kylie. None of these girls are nearly as gorgeous as you are."

This made me blush and I just kept looking down.

"Follow me. I want to introduce you to Mason and his friends." He said, dragging me to the back.

When we made it there, a group of guys were dancing stupidly to "Animals" by Martin Garrix. I laughed and watched them with amusement.

"Those guys are so stupid." I said, pointing towards them still laughing.

"Well, you better get used to em." He stated, confusing me.

"Mason! Come meet Kylie!" Ezra said, yelling at the group of boys.

I gasped when one of the stupid guys grabbed my butt.

I slapped his hand away and stomped on his foot.

"What the he** Mason!?" Ezra yelled at the pervert.

"Dude! When a pretty girl like her comes in, you know I have to get a piece of that." He smirked, causing Ezra to shove him.

"Stay away from her and tell you're friends to keep their sleazy hands off of her too!" He shouted, causing a few people to look at us. 

"Calm down Ezra! I was just joking around! This must be Kylie." He smiled, looking at me.

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