05 | when you're upset pt.2

Start from the beginning

Even though he pushed you and you stumbled a little, you still didn't snapped out of whatever negative thoughts you're having. You only mumbled an apology and continued your walk, accidentally bumping into other people now and then.

'Tch, that shorty. They should be aware of their surroundings, not bumping into people like a drunkard.', Isaac had thought as he frown at your figure in front of him.

That was a few minutes ago. Now, you are walking at the park with Isaac still behind you.

You didn't know where to go, and anywhere is fine with you except your home. You just didn't want to be reminded of your loneliness in that empty building you called home.

Finally, you stop at a bridge somewhere located in the park, causing Isaac to stop in his tracks too.

The view of the lake is beautiful as the breeze caress your face. You felt peaceful at that moment as you close your eyes in contentment.

The sound of the gentle wind blowing, the chirps of the birds and the joyful laughter of children not too far brings peace into your once negative mind.

This feeling brought a smile to your face as you enjoy it while you can.

Right then, you realize that you're legs are tired since you've been walking for probably more than an hour now.

You walked up to the edge of the arch stone bridge and climb on top of it, not really caring if you fall. Besides, it's not that high and you could just swim. 'Ah, swimming, that's nice. Maybe the water will cool my head and wash away all these thoughts.'

When you're about to lift your other leg though, a sudden force pulled you back and away from the edge. You were surprised by the action, and confused as to what just happened.

"Are you crazy (y/n)?! Are trying to kill yourself!", someone yelled from behind and you recognize that voice.

"Isaac? What are you doing here?", you asked in confusion at the male that has a glaring face behind you.

He is silent after that and you felt something tighten around your waist.

You look down and realize that a pair of arms were hugging your waist, securing you there.

Realizing that Isaac is hugging you, your face heat up in embarrassment and tried to get out of his grip but failed as he just tightens his arms even more.

"(Y/n) . . . were you trying to kill yourself?", he asked in a rather quiet voice and it just made you even more confused, but the blush on your face remains the same.

"What are you talking about, Zac? If you think I'm going to commit suicide, you're definitely wrong.", you replied calmly, using the nickname that you had given him. You felt him stiffen at your reply.

It was once again quiet for a while before he slowly loosens his arms around you, and let them dropped by his sides.

You then turn around and saw a tint of pink covering both his cheeks, this made you grin widely at him. He is averting his gaze elsewhere, avoiding your eyes and you know that he is embarrassed about his actions.

"Aw, you're blushing! Are you that worried about me that you had to follow me Zacky?", you said, gently nudging him at his sides causing his blush to deepen.

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