She couldn't suppress a smile at the sight.

His dark eyes narrowed. "But it seems you need to be tamed before I bed you."

He forced her back, until her legs bumped against something. She craned her neck, ignoring how it caused her hair to tug at her scalp. He'd backed her against Freckles' watering trough, to the right of Viltus' front door. Less than a foot of murky, dirt-stained water pooled at the bottom. Viltus hadn't been able to afford filling it for several days.

He jerked her head down. She didn't even have time to gasp before her head was forced beneath the water. He yanked her up by her hair. She sputtered and managed half a breath before she was forced under again and again, never having quite enough time to breathe. A few times, she swallowed a mouthful of the mud-water instead of air.

By the time he jerked her to her feet, she was sobbing between sputters and gasps. A white-hot hatred seared her skin, a hatred towards her own weakness and towards the man for evoking it.

She blinked the water from her eyes. "Why do you want me?"

He tugged on her hair, forcing her head back. "What?"

"Why do you want me? Out of all the women in Zonah, why me? Why a woman with a scarred face?"

His smile turned her bones to ice-water. "This has nothing to do with you."

She blinked. "I don't understand. Since the first time you saw me, you've followed me. Of course it has to do with me."

His grin widened. A Yare wolf would have had a prettier smile. "I've done more than follow you." He bent closer and ran his finger along the edge of her burn. "Surely you don't think buildings burn themselves."

Blood rushed from her head. "You... You destroyed the pub? But how did you know I was there?"

"Secrets never remain latent for long, not when there's money involved... and jealousy."

"Avril told you!"Avril had glanced up the first time she'd left the pub with Viltus. And then there was Avril's threat...

"Yes. But to be fair, she didn't know I would take such... drastic measures."

Her face twisted in disgust. Avril was a jealous, conniving witch.

"She's paying for her betrayal now. Just as I'll make you pay for mocking me." His hot lips caressed her burn.

She hissed and jerked away from him

"Cease! Don't touch her," Viltus' voice echoed towards them.

They both turned. Viltus was astride Freckles, his blue eyes blazing.

Relief washed over her. Viltus would save her. He'd protect her.

But fear didn't shadow her stalker's expression. Instead, his face seemed to brighten. "Ah, the Healer. We've been expecting you." He turned towards her, his grin causing nausea to churn in her stomach. "Haven't we?"

She drew a fortifying breath and sought refuge in Viltus' gaze.

Viltus glanced at her, then the man, then back. "Release her, Akar."

Akar? Viltus knew this man? But how? She sucked in a breath. This was what Akar meant when he'd said it wasn't about her. For some reason, he wanted revenge against Viltus. But why? And why had he been pursuing her even before she'd met Viltus?

Akar's laugh sent chills down her spine. "You're only a lowly healer. I can do what I please, and you're powerless to stop me."

Viltus' jaw shifted. "You have plenty of women as is."

The King's Cursed BrideWhere stories live. Discover now