•Thaddeus- Part Three•

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Thaddeus P.O.V

I opened the limousine door for Jacob, closing it behind him. Sliding in next to him, a searing pain surged across my chest, my right hand balling into a fist, my leg moving erratically. I bit my bottom lip as the pain refused to leave, Jacob was staring at me. He was curious, and I knew that my dishevelled appearance was sure to drive it forward. My eyes were sunken, surrounded by huge purple bags, my skin paler than its usual hue. "Are you okay?" He asked, folding his arms across his small chest, looking at me from the corner of the car.

"I'm fine babe, I just have a headache." I lied, trying to push the question as far away from me as possible. I didn't want to have to reveal to him why I truly did feel as shitty as I did. Baby, I drink other people's blood because my body likes to reject my own, wasn't something that I wanted to bring into conversation. I was a blood-borrower, not a vampire. I didn't kill anybody, I simply got them a little aroused, before leaching their blood from them. Sure, I fucked a few from time to time, but it was different with Jacob. As much as my body urged me to cut his soft little neck and drink a pint or two, I couldn't do it. I loved my little mouse with all of my being, and I would do nothing to harm him.


"Look just fine, feel just fine. Jacob, I'm okay." I chuckled, reaching out for his hand. He held mine to his face, the warmth of him transferring to my clammy body.
I had hoped that Talulah had saved me a partygoer from last night, he had a little obsession with some of the young boys that waltzed in and out of the hotel. When and if I found myself away from the hotel, which was rare, then I'd allow him to play with my meal before I ate it. I shook my head, the man was married, the man had children- yet, he derived his pleasure from boys almost as young as his son.

I felt relief as the hotel came into view, I breathed a sigh of relief. My body found an ounce of energy as it knew that it was going to receive its meal, I had no idea what I was going to do with Jacob- I hoped that Penelope would
humour me and tell me that I had a visitor.
I helped him from the car, handing the driver a couple of notes, before leading him through the entrance. Penelope was sat at the front desk, examining her bright red talons. She beckoned me over, I told Jacob to sit down on one of the chairs in the lounge whilst I spoke to her. "Talulah's left you a gift in your room. I've been told that he's just up your street. I'll keep Jacob busy, just call me when you've done." She said in a low tone, I nodded my head.

"Get him to help clean up. It'll keep him busy. I might be a while, and it might get messy." I said, copying her tone, she nodded. She looked past me, smiling at Jacob.
"I've got a visitor. A friend of my father's that wants to talk business. I'll come down at get you when I've done talking, is that okay?" I called from across the lobby. Jacob shrugged, shouting "Sure". I smiled, turning on my heels, heading towards the lift. Entering it, I waved at Jacob before the doors closed, he blew a kiss at me.

I leaned against the back wall of the lift, letting out a deep sigh. I knew that every pain in my boy would instantly vanish as soon as a pint of somebody else's blood entered my body. The thought of it was already sending me into a manic state of mind, my body was becoming numb- like it didn't belong to me. I smiled like a madman, the lift coming to a halt. I stopped myself from prying the doors open, my marched along the corridor, shoving the door open. I didn't bother to close it, looking around me frantically, searching for whoever it was that I would be drinking from.
Stomping over to my room, I shoved the door open. He was lying there on my bed, fast asleep. I closed the door slowly, pacing myself. I didn't want to botch anything, I didn't want to end up murdering anybody in my greed. I checked my back pocket, relief washing over me as I felt the sharp blade caress my hand. I crawled on top of him, eyes wide, wild. He stirred slowly, looking up at me.

"Who-who are you?" He asked, trying to sit up. I shushed him by placing a finger on his lips. His breath shuddered, as I put a hand to his neck, holding it gently. I looked down at him with madness in my eyes, trying my hardest to keep my cool.

"Thaddeus West." I cooed softly, leaning down to him, I could feel his heartbeat jumping at me through his tanned skin. He wasn't attractive to me, but the red liquid hiding behind that skin of his was getting more so as the seconds ticked by. He gasped, as my lips collided with his cheek, my mouth moving down to his neck. He was probably still a little drunk, making the blood less appetising, but that didn't matter to me. I could feel his semi-drunken body get aroused underneath me, my hand snaking back into my pocket to take out my knife. Holding his head in place, his eyes closed, I took the blade to his neck. He panicked a little underneath me, but could do nothing, as I placed my mouth on the trickling wound.

I felt my body become lighter, the pain fading away. He gurgled underneath me, he would pass out any time soon. I'll have to hide him in a room until Talulah comes back, I said in my head, my fingers gently squeezing the wound as I drank. It felt like it had been years since I had had my last dose; it had only been a day or so. My body was desperate, and I was probably taking in more than I should've done. I heard the door creak behind me, I hadn't heard him calling to me from outside.

He stood there, mortified, standing in the doorway, as I took my last mouthful. I sat up, closing my eyes, freezing. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end, the boy underneath me unconscious.

"Oh my God."
Song Of The Chapter- Life On Mars? by David Bowie

We have hit the first milestone in the drama, and it's about to get juicer. Trust me. Crying, screaming, slapping. It's all coming out- trust me.
Also, have a yummy pic of my first love David Bowie playing my first love in Labyrinth <3

Don't forget to comment and vote, it really helps me out <3

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