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Over the course of the night, I found him inching closer and closer to me. He liked to have his hand in my general vicinity, as though he was itching to firmly grab hold of my leg again. As intoxicated as I already was, I had no issues with that whatsoever. I longed for the feeling that his touch gave me. I was watching the girls dancing, glasses in their hands, wishing that I could dress as beautifully as them. I cocked my head to the side, failing to notice that Thaddeus was watching me again. I felt like it calmed him, having me around. I would never understand why it made him feel that way, but I was glad that I had some sort of a positive effect on somebody.
Pulling me close to him, he knew that he had managed to gain my attention again. He smiled, looking down at me. "What?" I asked, my hands sitting idly by my sides.

"I just love to watch you. You fascinate me, you know. I love watching you move the way that you do, the little facial expressions that you make when you think about whatever it is that you think about.. They make me smile, they really do. I can't explain why, because it confuses me." He said with a ridiculous grin that had spread across his face, I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Frowning, he grabbed my chin, turning it to face him. His eyes stared into mine, our faces within inches of each other's, his cologne overpowering me. I wanted to kiss him, god knew that I did, but I didn't have the guts to and I wasn't that drunk. I wouldn't know how to act during it, or after it. And, it would be giving him what he wanted, and however much I wanted to kiss him there and then, I had already promised myself that I would taunt him as much as he taunted me. It was a stupid justification, I knew that, but I wasn't concerned with it. I was concerned with the lessening distance between the both of us.

"You fascinate me, Thaddeus, mostly from the stories that I've read about you. You're an interesting man, I can tell you that." I said, looking at him with confidence now that the alcohol had gotten to my head. I chewed on my bottom lip, as he smiled at me as if he was trying to think of a good way to respond. He couldn't find one, resorting to shaking his head. "What, are they not reliable?" I joked, chuckling to myself as he looked up at the ceiling.

"You shouldn't believe everything that you read online, Jacob, they probably say that I'm a vampire or something ridiculous along those lines-" he began, as I pointed at him, letting him know that I had read an article presuming that he was a vampire, the author linking all of the evidence that they could get their grubby little paws on. "See, there you go. I'm not a vampire, I just party all night and don't get up in the morning. I'm active at night, and I rarely leave this place. When I do, I'm bombarded by journalists trying to get a story." He laughed, as I held my finger in his face still.

"It's okay, I don't mind if my boss is a vampire. I think that it'll make me want to stay here, even if you do stalk me." I said, eyes wide, watching him pretend to get defensive.

"Stalk. Me, Thaddeus West, stalk? I prefer the term admire, and the phrase, 'I enjoy your company a lot, even if you  do hate me,' it makes me seem less of a creep." He said, using his hands to make the quotations in the air. I watched his hands, noting the rings on his fingers. Curiosity took over me, as I grabbed his hand, bending it towards me so that I could admire the expensive rings. There were three, a gold one with his family crest engraved into the top, one that appeared to be knitted, and a simple gold band. I had never seen him wearing them before, I cocked my head to the side. "You like them?"

"I've never seen you wear them before." I said with a simple shrug, he chuckled.

"Little mouse, I wear them every day. You obviously don't notice the finer details- yet, anyway. They're all my fathers and his fathers before that, I've worn them since the day that he passed. I guess that it's the West tradition that the son wears them after his father's passing, as morbid as that sounds." He said with a laugh, he was drinking champagne from the bottle at that point. I shook my head, drinking the last from my glass. It was safe to say that I wasn't going to make it home in one piece, I was beyond sober, and definitely couldn't walk in a straight line. Tallulah wouldn't be proud of me, he would be more than just a little concerned. He would probably think that I'd let Thaddeus do whatever he wished to me- however drunk I was, I still had the power to say no.

"I have a question," I said, he nodded as if to say go ahead, "Why do you call me 'little mouse?' I don't get it."

"Because, if you don't remember the very first time that we formally met, you were completely petrified of me. And if you don't remember, you're a foot or so smaller than me so I thought that 'Little mouse' was a cute little nickname that I could give to you." He smiled, holding my chin up. I had already turned to face him, his warm hands cupped both of my cheeks. His fingers stroked my skin, the cold metal of his rings bringing my skin out in goosebumps. "You're so beautiful Jacob, I could look at you all day." He whispered in my ear, his thumb gently stroking my cheek.
I smiled like an idiot, looking down at my lap. He chuckled, lifting my chin, making sure that I could read his lips over the music.

"Upstairs?" He mouthed, I nodded.
Song Of The Chapter- Soundcheck by Catfish and the Bottlemen

Guiltily spent an hour making a playlist for Thaddeus' character- it's dominated by opera and classical music and the odd band from the 1960's. I love Thaddeus so much, he's literally my prized possession.

Don't forget to comment and vote, it really helps me out <3

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