•Your Body Delights Me•

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The morning light streamed in through the curtains, illuminating his pale face. He looked paler than usual, which confused me a little. His eyes were scrunched in his sleep, I frowned, cocking my head to the side. I stroked his cheek with the back of my hand, his angelic face twitching as he slept. Words couldn't describe how much I loved that man, and how happy it made me to see his handsome face at peace. Brushing a stray curl out of his face, I noticed a tiny freckle in the corner of his left eye, I found that my body was filled with love.

"Jacob?" He asked in a croaky, sleep-filled voice, keeping his eyes closed.

"Yes?" I asked, fingers tracing the outline of his chiselled jaw.

"Do you love me?" He asked, his voice filled with a new kind of innocence that I had never seen in him before.

"Of course, my love," I said, kissing his forehead, his dry lips still parted from when he was speaking, "There is nobody on this earth that I would rather love." I admitted, planting a kiss on his lips. As I pulled away, he smiled, his clammy hand patting the bed in search of mine.
"Are you sick?" I asked, putting my hand to his forehead, watching him pout.

"No." He said stubbornly, squeezing my hand. I rolled my eyes, resting my head in the centre of his chest, listening to his strong heartbeat. He wrapped his arms around my body, holding onto me tightly. I loved it when he held me, he made me feel safe, he made me feel appreciated for the first time in my life. "I don't know what I'd do without you, Jacob. You know that, don't you?" He said, squeezing me.

"I think that you'd have been just as handsome, just as enchanting, and just as much of an arsehole if I wasn't around, Thaddeus. Even you know that." I said with a smile, his stomach rising and falling quickly as he chuckled.

"Honestly baby, I don't think that I could have kept up the bachelor career for much longer. It drains you- mentally and physically. And, my kidneys hate me because I drink almost every single night." He said with a sigh, wiping his eyes, opening them wide. Sitting up, I noticed that his eyes were dark. The pastel green was gone, and in its place was the darker version of it, almost black and soulless. I pouted, he pulled a face at me.

"Are you being truthful, or does the prospect of only screwing one beautiful boy- such as myself- really, really appeal to you?" I asked with a wink, he smiled, rolling his eyes.
"Answer me honestly, how many boys have you had?" He looked away from me, laughing, not particularly wanting to answer my question truthfully. I grabbed his cheeks, squishing them, turning his head to face me. "Truthfully."

"Uh, probably over ten. I probably lost count after a year of running the hotel. Oh, and one woman when I was still testing out the whole sexuality thing." He said after I had let go of his face, I cocked my head to the side, shaking my head in disappointment. I knew from the start that he was a lothario of the gay community, even though he did find it extremely difficult to get a positive reaction from me. "What?" He laughed, as I shook my head even more.

"You, my friend, are a little bit of a whore- aren't you." I joked, he rolled his eyes. I leaned in to kiss him, nibbling his bottom lip. "Tell me one thing though," I said, sitting up, he looked at me as if to say proceed, "You haven't been with anybody else since we stared this whole thing, have you?" I asked, holding his arms. I knew that I would completely and utterly devastated if he admitted to doing anything, even if he lied to me. I wasn't up for sharing him, he was mine and only mine- well, in my eyes anyway.

"Why would I want to be with anybody else, when I have somebody so beautiful, so entertaining- and confusing all at the same time? Why would I even bother to try and lose somebody as precious as you?" He said, in a low tone, raising my chin. I shrugged with a pout- anything was possible in my eyes. "You don't understand that I would do anything for you. Baby, I'd cut off an arm for you if you told me to. I'd murder somebody with my bare hands, if it meant that you'd be safe," I blinked slowly at him, sensing the seriousness in his voice. "The only person that stops me from ripping people to shreds when they look at you- is you, little mouse." He added, his hands resting on my thighs.

"I trust you." I said, pressing my forehead against his. He smiled, going to kiss me.

"Jacob?" My sister Rebecca called from outside the door, I rolled my eyes, pulling away from Thaddeus' mouth.

"Yes, Rebecca?" I asked exasperatedly, as Thaddeus leaned up, running his hands down my pack, reaching into my underpants, grabbing me. I bit my lip, as my sister began to speak.

"Will you look after Matilda? We want to go and get lunch." She said with a sigh. My eyes rolled into my head as Thaddeus' lips locked into my neck, chewing on my skin. I had to regulate my breathing before I spoke again.

"No Becca. Thaddeus and I are going back to the hotel soon. Take her with you, she's your daughter." I said, as Thaddeus laid me down. He grunted softly, kissing my cheek, I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Tell her to fuck off." He growled, biting my earlobe.

"Come on Jacob. It's only for a couple of hours-"

"He said no." Thaddeus yelled to my surprise, his lips returning to mine. I heard my sister scoff, before her hand quickly grabbed the doorknob. I had decided on allowing Thaddeus to deal with the situation, as he seemed to have more authority here than I had.
Rebecca stormed into the room, seeing him on top of me, her face going red. She was either embarrassed about walking in on her brother about to do something sexual with an attractive boy- or, she herself was admiring Thaddeus' unnaturally beautiful body. "What part of 'he said no' do you not get? Are you deaf? Are you dumb? Are you incapable?" He barked at her, as she stood there frozen in the doorway.

"I want to spend time alone with my husband." She mumbled with wide eyes.

"Your husband's gay. Trust me, honey." He said, before placing his lips on mine, earning a disgusted noise from Rebecca. She walked briskly from the room, Thaddeus giggling. "He was staring at my arse, he's definitely not one-hundred percent straight, is he?" He said in his defence, I smiled.

"Your arse is perfect though, can you blame him?"
Song Of The Chapter- Prisons to Purify by Sundara Karma

Thaddeus is one my favourite characters that I've ever made. You guys haven't met my other favourite yet, he's in another story- the one that I've adapted from my script. He's- compelling, let's say...

Anyway, don't forget to comment and vote because it really helps me out <3

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