Chapter Twenty-eight

Start from the beginning

"Yes, but it's not enough for the project and I have barely enough in my account. Please, please, I will refund everything back."

He looked at me. "Okay, I will have the bank transfer it into your account."

"You will? Oh! That's awesome!" I clapped my hands. I almost felt like crying. "Thank you Ovian."

"Is that all," he asked raising his eye brows.

"Yes. Thank you."

He nodded and left again. Just like that! And here I was worried sick! I grimaced when I remembered my encounter with Fairweather. Now that's settled, let me get something to eat.

Just then, there was a knock on my door, "Come in!" And Lahran did. I folded my arms across my chest, wondering what he wanted.

"Princess, how are you today?" He asks smiling. His smile was so innocent, you would think he could do no wrong.

"What do you want?" I was impatient. And hungry. I hadn't eaten well in days.

"I have come to give you the invitation to the opening of the chapel personally." He stretched forth the invite. I collected it and went to place it on my desk.

"Do you know you have a great body? Everything is perfect." He smirked.

I groaned. I had forgotten I was still in my seduction suit that had been meant for Ovian alone. I turned around to face him. "Anything else, Lahran?"

"Yes, have you given thought to my proposal? I have someone who can draw up an annulment document quickly and we can serve Ovian."

I closed my eyes, and prayed for patience. "I am not leaving my husband for you, Lahran. Not now, not ever."

His eyes hardened. Then he turned around and walked out. I shook my head. The nerve! Crazy, just crazy.

After eating, I texted Taylor. We are going riding! I smiled to myself imagining Taylor rolling her eyes. She knew I didn't like it but I sort of wanted to feel the wind in my hair. You know, let go. And since I couldn't drive, I might as well ride a horse.

We had just reached the stables, when we spotted the queen leaving with a man. The man was tall and stout. He had golden hair and golden eyes. Taylor was the first to greet the queen as I was preoccupied trying to know if I had seen the man before. He looked so familiar.

"My queen." I curtesyed.

"Going riding I see? Be safe." She says and swept by us in her numerous skirts. I rolled my eyes and looked at Taylor, who shrugged. We had a great time riding and then we discovered a small river. The river wasn't too deep and it was clean, so we swam to our heart's content.

Time passed quickly and we realised it was almost dusk. So we started on our way back to the palace stables. We checked in our horses with the stable boy and went our separate ways, intent on sleeping.

As soon as I got to my room, I felt something was off. I wasn't comfortable like something was wrong but I couldn't place a hand on it. I shook off the feeling and entered the bathroom. After my shower I felt refreshed but the nagging feeling came again.

I check my phone for any missed calls or messages but it was my assistant telling me of Ovian's transfer. Which made me smile. I texted her back to wait for further instructions. On a second thought, I also told her to take tomorrow off as well. I dropped my phone. I would need her to make the withdrawal and bring it to me, as soon as Alex sends the details.

I sat down on the bed and was about to lie down when I heard Ovian calling me. "Tania?"

I took my robe and shrugged into it as Ovian walks into the room. "My father just slumped in his room."

I gasp. "Oh my! What happened?" I quickly went to him. His face was so sullen my heart went out to him.

"I don't know." He said as he raked his fingers through his hair. I could imagine what was going on in his head.

"Where is he now? Have you sent for his doctors?"

"Yes. They are here. It happened about an hour ago. They asked all of to leave that's why I came here. I couldn't wait outside his room."

"Come here." I said as I wrapped my arms about his waist and hug him. He hesitated but after a few seconds he wrapped his arms around me. Then he held me tighter. I have missed this man. And he had obviously missed me too. I lifted my head and forced him to look into my eyes. "Its going to be alright. He will be fine."

"What if-"

"Shh." I placed a hand on his lips. "You can't allow such thoughts Ovian. You have to stay positive."

"For how long?" I have a feeling he wasn't asking about his father. We held each other's stare and I said, "For as long as it takes. That's what we do in situations we don't have control over."

He grunted and pulled me back into his arms.

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