Chapter Twenty-six

Start from the beginning

We arrive at the venue for the launch. As usual, the press were already there. I got out of the car and clung unto Lahran's hand for support. I was so nervous but I managed to fix a pleasant smile on my face for the cameras. Lahran's security guided us inside where so many people have gathered to be a part of this momentous event for me.

I nodded and smiled to as many who kept congratulating me and wishing me well. They were so many and tonight, I intend to milk as much money as I could off them.

The event started off with opening speeches from several women of note in the Republic. They all spoke so well and eloquently, that I wondered what small me was going to say. Soon it was my turn, and there was a lot clapping. As I climb the stage in my beautiful pinkish nude manolos, and fushia pink dress, with bell sleeves, armed with the speech that my assistant had written for me, I couldn't help but wonder how I got here. How was it that the young eighteen year old from the Backlands, who didn't have anything but to struggle and scrap for the little she could get, was about to address people who had been born into wealth, influence and royalty?

As I looked at the sea of people, my mother's face appeared before me and reminded me of the reason, the passion and the duty I had towards my kind in the Republic. And I crushed the paper in my hands and began my story.

"I have a secret to tell." There was great hush around the hall. "When I left the health facility where I was being kept, I didn't immediately come back home. You see I was angry at the system for sending me away in the first place, it wasn't like the disease was contagious. And apart from that, I wasn't sure if my father's estate remained or if I had a place among my peers anymore. I was over twenty and I wasn't sure if I was going to get a suitor. I wasn't sure about a lot of things. So I went to Tuncan County and lived there for a while. I did so many menial jobs and met some wonderful people."

"I also learnt a lot of things. Being someone who had been given privileges all her life, it was very challenging. But that short time I spent in that state, made me realize that the system has destroyed many lives. Especially the lives of our women and if nothing is done, our female children will have it worse than we do. Many women here will understand what I am talking about. How many of you can say I married the man I wanted to marry? Not to talk about those of you are very unhappy in your forced marriages. How many of you wished you could be something more than an ornament on the arms of your husbands? If you had the choice to go further in your education, wouldn't you?" Many women were nodding their heads.

I forged on. "This problem is still there because we allow it to be there. It's time we stand up and took our rightful place on the council, and make decisions that will favour everyone and not just the male folk!" There was a great shout and applause. I beamed at the people and continued, "I want to use this opportunity to commend all the women who in times past have spoken out against this injustice and tyranny. Your work has not failed. It is time to pick up your mantle once again continue to work."

"Yes!" Shouted several voices. Several women stood up jumping in their seats and clapping.

After the clapping died down, I regarded some of the men who were in the crowd. "This is for the men, I want you to know that we are not going to take over, we just want to have equal rights to education and several other things. We want to be better than we are so our economy can grow and eventually, poverty will be eradicated. We want to be able to own businesses in our own land and not by foreigners. That is what we want. We implore you, as brothers and husbands, support us so we all can prosper together!" 

The ovation was defeaning. Lahran got up from where he was sitting to come and help me off the stage. Thank God he did, because I am sure I would have fallen off the stage with the way my whole body was shaking.

The event continued with the launching proper. Then the leading TV station in the Republic requested an interview and I gave them the interview. They had latched onto my statement about taking our place on the council and I was glad they had. I needed to jolt those old men so they would know I meant business. So I took advantage of the interview and campaigned again.

The feeling that this was finally on the move was exhilarating. It was a heady feeling. After the interview, I excused myself to go to the restroom, and my bodyguard waited outside for me. I went straight to stand in front of the mirror and took several deep breaths.

A few minutes later, someone walked into the rest room. It was Ovian's mistress. For a few seconds we stare at each other then I proceeded to wash my hands under the cool water running from the tap.

"That was a great speech my Princess." She said. I lifted my gaze and stared at her through the mirror. "You have a great talent at lying, I can say that for you. Maybe in another lifetime, you would have been a great actress."

I frowned and turned around to face her. "I beg your pardon?"

"Oh please, drop the act. I know all about your arrangement with Ovian." She said smugly. "We used to tell each other everything."

I stood frozen. I wasn't sure what her next move was going to be but I knew I needed to be careful with this woman. Watching her warily, I allowed her speak her mind.

"You see, when Ovian told me about your little plan, I didn't really worry about it as long as I was still in the picture. I always knew I couldn't be anything more than his mistress even if he loved me, he would never marry me. But knowing that I had his ear and I could actually have children by him, was enough for me. Much better than a farmer's wife. But you got greedy." She said menacingly. "You were not satisfied with everything you got, you wanted him all to yourself. When Ovian came to me and told me we were over, I went crazy." Her manical laugh, grating in my eyes and sending fear down my spine.

"I asked him if he had fallen in love with you and he said no, that he just wanted to do well by you. You! Someone he picked up from the gutters of Tuncan County." She laughed again. "I was beside myself with envy and hate. Even when I tried to seduce him again that night in his study, he still didn't budge. That's when I knew there was no hope for me anymore." She said her eyes had become glassy with hatred. "So I have decided that I will tell the whole world who you are and believe me, Tania," she sneered. "I have proof. And all this women emancipation nonsense you have got going will be over."

And I knew she meant it. I couldn't let her destroy all that I had sacrificed to get here, maybe there was something I could offer her. "What do you want?"

She looked at me and her lips curled up in a sneer. "I want Ovian back. I want him back in my arms and I want him with me whenever I want."

"Ovian is not a toy Alex. And you and I both know he's not the type to be manipulated. What else can I do?"

"To keep your secret? Hmmm. It's true Ovian will only come back if he wants to." Suddenly, her eyes widen. "I want twenty million dollars in cash."

I gasped. "Where am I going to get such money?"

"I don't care! And I want it in three days! And if Ovian or anybody else finds out about this, I would have exposed you for the dirty, thieving fraud that you are. I will contact you with where you can drop the money." She said and waltzed out of the restroom.

I stared at the door long after it had closed behind her. Oh my God!

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