Chapter 38. The Boyfriend Tag

Beginne am Anfang

He waved at the camera and said, "Hello"

"So let's just start," I looked down at my laptop on my lap, "Ok, question 1:Where did we meet?"

"The short version or the long one," we both laughed.

"Let's do the medium length one,"

He took a deep breath preparing for the mouthful he would have to say next, "She dropped her diary on the floor of the airport. I found it. I tried to get it back to her. I found her tumblr. We starting chatting. K figured out I liked her and planned a surprise at her school and here we are!" He clapped his hands together.

"Yup," I said to the camera. "We could probably do a whole in depth video on that. Comment if you want us to do that."

"It would be really entertaining," Hunter added. "We'll bring my band and Katherine and wow that would be very funny."

"Ok, so question 2: What was our first date?"

"Our friends planed it, and then crashed it," He said. "We had a picnic, played soccer, which went badly, and I sang a little bit."

"It was pretty adorable," I added. "Except for the part where Matt and Katherine eavesdropped on us."

He grabbed my hand. "Next question: Where was out first kiss and how was it?"

"Our first kiss was on our first date and we had just had a pretty deep conversation. I'd say it was pretty good. What is your opinion?" He asked me.

"Good. A little awkward, but that's expected."

"Yep, a little awkward."

"It was really nice though," I said. "Question 4: Did you know I was the one?"

"At first it was a little hard for me to accept that I liked you because I had never met you, but once I got that sorted out, I was sure."

"Good answer. Next question: First impression?"

"My first impression of you was again through a diary, but I thought you were pretty amazing."

"You're pretty amazing too," I said. "When did you meet the family?"

"I met her mom the day of the big reveal and I med her dad the day after."

"I haven't meet his parents yet," i added.

"We need to get you down to Louisiana soon."

"We do. We really do. Ok so, Next question: Do we have a tradition?"

"We sing in the car...a lot."

"Yeah as soon as we get into one our voices just turn on."

"That's sorta a tradition," he said.

"I would categorize it as such," i added. "What was our first road trip?"

"We haven't been on one yet," he said.

"True. True. Who said I love you first and where were we?"

"I did. Last night at her birthday party," He answered.

"You let it slip a few times before that," I said.

"Last night was the first 'official' time,"

"Whatever you say... Who wears the pants in the relationship?"

"Me," we both responded at the same time.

"Me," we said again.

"I always plan things!" I argued.

"But you never wear pants! You always wear dresses and stuff!"

"That's not what the question means!" I stated. We were play arguing and it was actually kinda funny.

"It can be interpreted two ways!"

"Fine fine. Both of us," i said to the camera. "What do we argue about the most?"

"Music," he said. I nodded in agreement. "Especially in the car."

"Yep. If I'm sitting in front of a TV, what am I watching?"

"CMT on weekend mornings, and the Kardashians every other time," He explained.

"That was a perfect description actually," He smiled and I continued, "What dressing do I get in my salad?"

"Trick question," he pointed out. "None because you don't eat salad."

"Correct my hunna."

"Did you just say 'my hunna'" he laughed.

"I did. I did indeed. Next question: What's one food I don't like?"

"Salad," he said.

"Technically you got it right. But no bonus points! Next, We go out to eat. What do I get to drink?"


"Si señor," I said.

"Why are you speaking Spanish?" He asked.

"Porque," I said. "Next question: What size shoe do I wear?"


"Right again, Hayes. If I was collecting anything what would it be?"

"Makeup. You're working your way there already," we both turned our attention to the piles of makeup on my vanity.

"Yeah..." I said. " What is my favorite type of sandwich?"


"Why are you so good at this?" I asked him.

"Because I'm just that awesome."

"Ehh... That could be argued," he tried to look offended, but a smile just formed instead.

"What would I eat every day if I could?"

"Cake," he said.

"What kind of cake?" I thought I had finally beat him.

"Chocolate," he replied quickly.

"I'm just going to combine these 3. My favorite cereal, music and sports team. Go!"

"Lucky Charms, mine obviously, and the Red Sox."

"Why do you assume it's you?" i ask smiling.

"Because you love me."

"That part's true."

"What is my eye color?" I say and I hold my hand over my eyes.


"Darn't Hayes! Why do you have to be good at everything?"

"Who is my best friend?"

"Katherine," we said at the same time.

"Yep," i said.

"Uh huh."

"What is something I do that you don't like?" i say.

"Hmm.." He thought for a moment. "You always call me and I don't answer right away for whatever reason and then I call back and you don't answer."

"I do do that, but I thought you'd be more poetic or something."

"I tried!" He said defensively.

"Don't worry, Hunt. Now it wants us to kiss."

"Ok," he said. "I can do that," and he gave me a quick peck on the lips.

"Hope that was entertaining, because I had fun making this. Did you have fun?" I asked Hunter.

"Loads," he said.

"Good. Thank you guys for watching. Love you!" And I did my signature "blow a kiss to the camera thing'.

I wonder how people will react to this one.


Hellloooooooo. Hope y'all enjoyed. I had fun writing this one!

Hearts and Rockets,


Dear Diary (A Hunter Hayes Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt