Chapter 32. Invitations

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Chapter 31.

Laurel's POV

I walked through the door right at 9:59. Hunter walked me to the door like a perfect gentleman. But we decided that for his safety, and to save me from embarrassment, he wouldn't come in.

"Did you have a good time, sweetie," My mother asked me as I entered the family room. My dad was sitting in his brown leather recliner and my mom was sitting on the couch.

"Amazing,". I said. I popped down next to my mom and took off my shoes.

"Hunter's a nice boy," My father stated. This statement made me smile. I love that I have my dad's approval. I didn't think that I wouldn't get it because Hunter is an angel, but my dad is hard to please. Even though he gave approval to Hunter, the interrogations are far from over.

"He's such a gentleman and his biceps are so-"

"I'm done with this conversation mom,". My mother was a little taken back for some reason. I guess she doesn't understand that commenting on you daughter's boyfriend's biceps isn't the the most appropriate of things to do.

"You should invite him over for dinner tomorrow," I mother suggested.

"He's going back on the road tomorrow, but maybe he can. I'll ask him,".

I ran up to my bedroom and once I entered my turquoise painted room I threw myself onto my bed and quickly texted Hunter:

Do you want to come over for dinner tomorrow? Everyone wants to see you again. Including me:)

A minute or two later he replied:

Yeah! But I'm gonna have to leave a little early. We gotta back on the road at 9!

I said back:

Ok. You can come over at 6:)

He agreed and I got ready for bed.

I have to go to school tomorrow.

How am I supposed to get through school when I know that Hunter Hayes is my boyfriend and is having dinner with my whole family that same evening?

My whole family.

No. This isn't good. Jake and Brian always call him names and make fun if him. What are they going to say when they find out he's my boyfriend?

Brian likes country music so he shouldn't be that much of a problem, but Jake always says how much he hates the genre. Plus, they both have the "protective big brother" gene (even though Jake is 6 minutes younger than me).

Still thinking, and over thinking, I went to bed and fell asleep.

Was today even real?


"Ok so tell me everything!" Katherine said as she sat down in the chair next to me with her lunch tray.

The lunch room was as noisy as ever. The jocks were by the window, the preps were next to them, and on the other side of the cafeteria is where we sit. Over by the doors. Just me and Katherine. Told you it was just us.

But today hadn't been so lonely. Everyone knew that I was Hunter Hayes's girlfriend which wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Although being stopped every minute was a little annoying, no one was rude about it. If it was a girl they would say we looked cute together and continue on their way. Guys just asked me how tall he actually was.

"I think you know most of it considering you were there," I looked at her and her burger was half way to her mouth. She froze and said:

"Oh yeah... About that,"

"Here's a little tip: Next time don't butt into people's dates,".


"So you left and then we ate. We just asked each other random questions and talked for a little while. Then I tried to teach him how to play soccer," I laughed as I remembered Hunter trying to kick the ball and accidentally kick the air. I was taken back to when I fell to the ground laughing after that and him complaining about how i never told him I come from soccer people.

"And then we talked some more and then we kissed,".

"WAIT. HOLD UP. You kissed!" Katherine exclaimed. At this point she wasn't eating and eagerly listening to everything I had to say. "DETAILS,".

"So I said that I would miss him when he goes on tour and he said that he would always be here and I said I know you were always here and then he kissed me," I said all in one breath.

"That is adorable,". Katherine said. "You two are seriously the perfect couple."

"I don't deserve him. I'm too mean,".

"You aren't mean. You're just really stubborn".

"I'm a little mean,".

"Have you ever thought that maybe he thinks that he doesn't deserve you?".

I thought about what Katherine said he's a much better person than me. In everything. But maybe he doesn't think that. But surely having people tell you that you are their inspiration would be confidence boosting, right?

The bell rang and me and Katherine darted off to our separate classes. I just want to go home so I can see Hunter. He's leaving again tonight to finish up the tour, but even when he's not touring he's not gonna come to Massachusetts just to see me. Tonight may very well be the last time I see him in person for months.

I don't want to go back to a computer relationship. I need him in my life. My real life.


Hellooooo! Today's been a good day so I decided to share some of my happiness with you in the form of a new chapter. Did y'all like it?

Hearts and Rockets,


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