Chapter 16. Nosy Mothers

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Chapter 16

Laurel's POV

Last night was kinda weird. H talked to me again. Don't get me wrong, this guy is super nice, but he actually wanted to talk to me again? It just seemed a little too good to be true. And then he said something about just getting off stage and then I fell asleep. I didn't even finish packing so this morning I had to wake up at 6 to finish. In all of this confusion I forgot to message him back. He probably thought I was ignoring him or something. I said:

Wow cool! Off stage? What do you do? And by the way, that totally gives you an excuse to drink coffee at midnight;)

That was about an hour ago. Now I'm siting in an uncomfortable airport chair waiting to board the plane.

I still haven't figured out what my parents were talking about last night. They were defiantly talking about Hunter. And they were defiantly talking about me. The question is: what do we have to do with each other?

If it is really important, they would have told me. Right? I mean, they wouldn't not tell me something that was potentially life altering. Well, what could be life altering to me, might not be to them. So what if this is really important to me, but they don't see the value in it, so they aren't telling me anything?But if it was so unimportant to them, why would they be whispering about it late at night?

Every time I think about it my head spins. Every time something even seems like a slight possibility, I figure something else out that completely contradicts my previous theory and I'm back to square one.

I stared out the window looking at the planes taking off and landing. I am seriously dreading going back to school. I don't like it. I don't. I'm weirdly good at school even though I never study. I'm really good at English, creative writing and social studies. I guess I always have been. I've never really studied in my life. Well, not for regular school. Obviously I studied for the SATs and stuff like that, and even on those I did well.

I only really have 1 friend at school. She is the complete opposite of me. I'm very quiet in real life. I'm an introvert. Always have been. I rarely to go parties, and when I do I'm forced.

When I go back in 5 days, I will be starting the final semester of my senior year. It's supposed to be the easiest part of my high school career, but it's the part I'm most dreading. I have no plan for my life. Yeah, I know what I want to do, But there's no guarantee that it will happen. Who knows if I'm actually going to California? If I don't get in there I have absolutely no backup plan.

"Laurel!," Someone yelled at me. I turned around and saw my mother waving my me. "Laurel!".

"What mom?" I said slightly annoyed. I hate being interrupted while I'm deep in thought.

"We're boarding in 15 minutes. I wanted to make sure you knew so we don't have a repeat of last time." She explained. "Oh, and I got you Starbucks."

She held out her hand revealing an bag and and I drink which looked liked a mocha cookie crumble. I eagerly grabbed it and took a sip, letting the magical liquid occupy my taste buds.

The my computer beeped. I picked it up as my mom sat down in the chair next to me. I opened it up and looked at the message. It's from H.

I'm a production assistant for someone else. I'm not in the spotlight. I love it though.

I sensed my mother looking over my shoulder and my suspicions were confirmed when she said: "Who you talking to?"

"No one", I said giving the typical teenage girl response.

"Yes you are" my mother replied. "Just tell me, Laurel."

"He's nobody"

"HE?" She exclaimed sounding surprised. Should I be insulted?

"Yes mother. It is a boy. Who is a friend. Who I do not like"

"You sure about that. Because I don't mind you dating you know."

"Mom" I tried to interrupt her, but she just kept talking.

"Even though you haven't had a boyfriend, or any contact with an attractive member of the male species before, I don't mind you having one. You're almost 18. I wouldn't have minded 4 years ago for that matter."

"MOM!" I shouted. "Please stop talking."

"Fine, fine. I'm allowed to be a concerned parent though" She said trying to grab the laptop

"I'll tell you what it says, but you are NOT touching my laptop"

"Fair enough. What does it say?" She said almost too excited. She shouldn't be this interested in my life.

"It says and I quote: I'm a production assistant for someone else. I'm not in the spotlight though. I love it though."

"I'm going to need some background information, hun."

Why is she being nice? She's never nice. She has never showed any interest in my life before, unless she was yelling at me for something I did wrong.

"Fine." I shrugged. What's the worst that could happen. "This guy messaged me and said he liked my videos and we've been talking and last night he said he was drinking coffee because he just got off stage and was tired so I asked him why he was on a stage and that was his reply." I said all in one breath.

"Well OK then," she said. I'm going to find your brothers. We should be boarding soon" And with that she just got up and left.

So she butts in on my life and she just leaves? Why would she go to all of that trouble asking me questions to just leave? I just want to go back home and sleep in my own bed. I want to talk to Katherine to see what she makes of all of this. She could help me with all of my mom stuff, bust he won't be much help with the Hunter Hayes mystery. She hates him. Unfortunately. She's going to a concert with me so she's going to have to stop complaining because my day will not be ruined with her negativity.

Then my parents and brothers cam back and we got on the plane. I found my seat ad sat down. Yes, I have my diary. I can't wait to be back in Rockfield.

That's the chapter! What do you think Laurel's parents are going to Surprise her with? Sorry this is kinda a filler chapter. The next one will have more plot. And while I'm at it, what do you guys think of Laurel's mom?

Xx Julia

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