Chapter Twenty-Nine - Just Call Me a Saint

Start from the beginning

"Will you stop?" I finally called out, shifting the blanket around me. My sleep deprivation left me utterly exhausted and therefore, short-tempered. I was normally able to ignore his intrusive stares, but today they were dominating my consciousness.

In the beginning, after the rush of doctors started to recede, I thought Samuel would leave to be examined, himself. But, the hospital workers didn't so much as glance at him. He seemed to be in perfect health. To him, it was as if the past week never happened. 

He smirked. "Stop what?"

I crossed my arms, ignoring the wires that tangled around me. "You know what," I grumbled. 

"You're supposed to be sleeping, you know."

My eyes rolled dramatically. "I know."

"Well? Do you need something to help you?" He started to stand, motioning to someone through the open door. He quickly caught a nurses eye and she began a slow trudge to my room. 

"No!" I quickly cried. He looked back at me curiously but didn't stop the nurse. I frantically continued. "No, I don't need anything. I'll fall asleep in no time. No time at all. No drugs needed," I rambled, waving my hand. To prove my point, I leaned my head back once more and pretended to get comfortable. 

Samuel stayed in place, continuing to watch me before he waved off the woman who came to the door. When she was gone, he slowly wandered to my bed. My body involuntarily tensed at his presence, but I tried not to let it show. So far, I'd put on a pretty good show of trust, and I wasn't going to stop now. 

"You're acting a little crazy," he told me, matter-of-factly. "Are you sure you don't want anything? I would stay here the whole time you were asleep."

That's what I was afraid of. Being completely alone with Samuel while I was in a drug-induced sleep. I forced my body to relax and pushed out a yawn. "I'll be fine if you just stopped staring."

He chuckled, raising his hands in surrender. "Fine, fine. Anything for you."

Samuel made his way back across the room to sit in the armchair he'd been occupying all afternoon. It was a light colored wood with green cushions and seemed extremely out of place compared to everything else. The rest of the room was plain and colorless. My bed, the table designed to hover over me, even the equipment. A large window was to my right, but the curtains had been shut to hide the outside view. 

He settled himself in the uncomfortable chair and pulled out his phone. When I was sure he wouldn't move, I turned away from him and closed my eyes for what seemed like the hundredth time. I was immediately met with visions of guns, fire, and bloodied family members. I was almost used to these pictures running through my mind by now, but they still stung, preventing me from even thinking about sleep. After only a few short minutes, I opened my eyes and trained them on the heart monitor sitting next to me. It beeped monotonously but kept track of the time passed. I let the rhythm to lull me into a numb state, where I was allowed to lay on the bed and pretend to be anywhere but here. 

Eventually, though I'm not sure how, I fell asleep. It was, once again, fitful and nightmarish. When I woke up, the room was dark and the door was shut. A bright white light shone underneath the crack, illuminating the few pieces of furniture in the room with me. My gaze glanced over Samuel who was still sitting in his chair, but now with his head slumped on his shoulder. 

I shook away the images remaining in my mind and pulled the blanket and countless cords off of my body. My feet swung around and hit the floor, and when I was ready, I pulled myself up to stand. I swayed only slightly, but for the most part, held a firm position. When I was sure I wouldn't fall, I quietly padded away from my bed and towards the bathroom door next to Samuel. The minute I got a foot away from my bed though, something caught on my arm and fell to the ground. It crashed and bounced, sending an abrupt noise through the still and quiet room. 

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