Maybe it was only me that cared

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"He broke up with you?" Jenna asks.

"Yeah and I have no idea why." I say.

"This is really depressing and I'm dead." Helen says.

"Well, I'm not gonna wallow in my own sorrow." I say.

"Will it make you feel better that me and Jaysen are together?" Sandra tells me. Yeah, so much better. I get up and walk to the kitchen. The living room gets fatally silent.

"How ya doin'?" Jaysen asks.

"Fine." I say.

"I'll crack through that hard interior." Jaysen says.

"Don't worry, Elisabeth. I'm here for you." Pascal hugs me, tightly.

"Good to know." I smile awkwardly. I grab a cup.

"Oh, a cup for your tears. Oh my dear cousin." Pascal says.

"That's it. I'm going out." I grab my keys and drive.


Funny. Hold up. Sandra and Jachmai broke up. Ha!

"Thank ya!" I say out loud. Everyone looks at me. I clear my throat going upstairs. I walk into Sandra's room.

"Hey." She says.

"Hey, heard you and Jachmai broke up." I say.

"Yep. I'm with Jaysen now."

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" I say.

"No." I leave. I don't have time for this.


They broke up. My chance. I go downstairs in a T-shirt and shorts.

"Zack. Why so sad?" I ask next to him.

"Me and Elisabeth broke up." He says.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." I pat his back.

"I really love her." He says.

"I know but the first day of a breakup are the hardest and if you need a friend, I'm here."

"Thanks, Darline." He hugs me and walks up the stairs. Guys are so gullible.


"She declared war on us?" John asks.

"That's what I just said." I roll my eyes.

"What do we do now?" He asks. The logical thing.

"Stop." I say.

"Quit? No, no." Why ask my opinion if you have no intention of using?

"Here's what we do, we hex the boyfriend, she'll come after me and you get a spell to knock her out, use her blood then kill her."

"I'm not killing an innocent. It's wrong." I've had enough of this.

"She's not innocent. She nearly killed me and what about those people on the other side she's keeping from life? Your husband and your brothers." I do miss them.

"I want no part in the killing." He laughs, leaving. A deal with the devil.


I just drive, how no clue where. I'm a witch. That's kinda funny. Instead of being a crazy ass bitch, I'm a crazy ass witch. That rhymes. I get out the car and just sit on the beach. I use my magic and play with the water.

My phone rings, Zack. I ignore it, walking on the beach.

"You're pathetic!" A man yells at his son.

"I'm sorry, Dad." He says. He couldn't be more than 16.

"Dad?! I'm not your Dad! Your hoe of a mom spelt with everyone! You're not coming home with me!" The man yells getting in his car. The boy falls to the floor, crying.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Other than I'm homeless, yeah."

"You can live with me." I say.

"What are you? A Madam?"

"No. I had a friend. She had domestic violence, trust me it's so much better than being locked in a basement for days at a time." I say sitting next to him.

"That happened to you?"

"Yeah but it made me not so afraid of things. So, you can spend the night at my house and if in the morning you want to leave, I'll give you a bus token."

"Thanks, I'm Liam."

"Elisabeth. Be warned I have a gun collection." He laughs as we walk to my car.


I walk home, my home. I can't be in her house anymore. With her things in there. She must feel horrible, we had sex and we broke up. Trust me, it was not the sex. It was better than good. I just can't lose her. I would die. I know how I use to laugh at the nerds who fell in love so quickly now I truly understand.


This nice girl, gives me a place to stay.

"We're here." She welcomes me to her home.


"Just find a room, empty, that suits you."

"Thanks again." I walk upstairs.


I forgot my keys at Elisabeth's house, I sprint back. A boy walks upstairs. I press my face to the glass watching him go up the stairs and look at Elisabeth. Maybe I only felt the love.

Hmm, maybe just one more biteWhere stories live. Discover now