I can't do that part 2

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"Hold up. I know Elisabeth's mom and her name is not Katrina." I say.

"If I say my name is Jenna, no one can say isn't." Jenna says.

"This is bullshit." I say. Thunder rumbles.

"So, Katrina was or is a witch." I'm trying to get it all right.

"Yes." They say in unison.

"And my best friend is a witch?" I ask.

"Yes or no." Jenna says.

"We're getting nowhere." I say. My phone rings.

"Babe, it's me." Jachy says.


"We're at the pier, bring the books." He hangs up. Dick.


"It's working!" John yells. I continue the spell.

"How dare you?!" Ghosts start to appear. Can I really do this?


He got my blood and our mission is over already. I have to stop this. I'll help you the ghost from the library tells me. I start walking to the Ferris wheel. I ride it all the way to the top.

"Say these words; Aduro, si virs pacem, para bellum."

"Aduro, si virs pacem, para bellum." I say, bringing out my switchblade and cut my hand and my blood drops into the ocean. The vortex disappears.

"War, you shall have." A ghost appears and disappears with the vortex.

"Thanks." I tell the ghost lady.

"My name's Helen." She tells me.


The wind stops blowing, the vortex disappears and the pouring rain turns to a drizzle.

"What happened?" John asks.

"She stopped it." I say.


"Declared war on us."

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"She's an active witch."


"Elisabeth!" Sandra runs and hugs her. I roll my eyes.

"Did you bring the books like I said?" I ask. She ignores me, handing each book to everyone but me. I pull her over to the side.

"Why you giving me the cold shoulder?" I ask. She looks at me up and down, smacks her lips then turns away from me.

"Girls, huh?" I say to Zack. He looks at Elisabeth then me.

"I like my legs." He whispers. Whipped.

"Babe. What's wrong?" I ask her.

"You are a dick." She says.

"Where is this coming from?" She rolls her eyes.

"Alright. Forgive me?"

"I can't do that." She walks over and hugs and kiss Jaysen. Did I just get dumped for him? Him?!


"Can we talk?" I whisper to Elisabeth. We walk to the restroom.

"What do you want to talk about?" She asks.

"Us, really."

"Thank goodness. I thought you've never ask." She says then kisses me, taking off her shirt. Sex, awesome.


We take a minute to catch our breaths. "What did you want to talk about?" I ask.

"Nothing. Nothing at all." He says.

"Let's go." I say getting up. We walk out hand in hand.

"Okay. You're a witch." Jenna tells me.

"I got that, what else?" I ask.

"People want to kill you." Hmm, interesting.

"Did you just say hmm, interesting?" Zack asks. Did I?

"Yes." They all say.

"Hmm, interesting." I say. They all sign, let's go. Oh, I'm thinking out loud again.

We go home and me and Zack go up to my room.

"There was something, I wanted to say before we did it in the restroom." He laughs.

"What's so funny?" I ask.

"It is awesome, that we did it in the restroom. Totally awesome." He says.

"Anyway, what I wanted to talk about is us." I nod, thinking of how months flew by and not really hearing him.

"I think we should breakup." I heard that.

"You wanna breakup?" I ask.


"Okay, we are officially broken up." He stands and walks out the room.


"You two broke up?" Jachmai asks.

"Yeah." I say.

"Are you stupid?" Jachmai asks.

"You and Sandra broke up." Jaysen says.

"It's all your falut." Jachmai says.

"Hey! My broken heart!" I yell. They sign.

"Why did she breakup with you?" They ask.

"She didn't breakup with me. I broke up with her." I explain.

"Why?" They ask.

"I know this might seem stupid." I start.

"It's because I love her too much." I spill.

"Dude!!" Pascal yells.

"You for real?" Jaysen asks. I nod.

"Sentimental ass." Jachmai walks up the stairs.

"That's the most stupidest thing I have ever heard." Luke says laughing.

"Really?" Jaysen asks once again.

"I know. Why do you keep telling me that?" I stand.

"We keep telling you that because what you did was stupid." They laugh.

Hmm, maybe just one more biteWhere stories live. Discover now