
361 24 10

song: Ibrahim - a world at peace

(a.n this chapter is a fucking mess you won't understand a single world idk why am i like this)
Chanyeol didn't know what was happening.

The day after the one before, the one where he got choked, he started to feel worried.

He didn't know what was happening.

He didn't know why did he suddenly get these strange feelings and nightmares that made him almost piss his pants.

He closed his teary, tired eyes, and sighed desperately. He wished he could get some sleep.

And suddenly, through the darkness, shone a bright light, And he quickly opened his eyes.

He inspected his surroundings, and panicked when he realized that he wasn't in his room anymore, but instead, in what seemed like a forest.
The trees were as tall as buildings, and he couldn't find a way out.

He suddenly heard a soft voice singing a familiar lullaby, making his heart uncontrollably beat against his rib cage. He quickly ran to the source of it, and was shocked to be met with the sight of his own deceased mother that seemed to be perfectly alive.

She smiled at him, just like the old days, and he couldn't keep calm. He felt paralyzed physically, unable to even blink his eyes, but his mind was going through wars and battles for the fact that all that was happening was absurd. Not even one cell of his brain could comprehend any of the actual events.

"Chanyeol-Ah," his mother called, warmly and softly that the said male felt his heart beat even faster.

The woman's smile suddenly turned into a creepier one, her eyes becoming white. Her normal human teeth were now similar to a wolf's, and she looked like she was about to attack the giant.

"Why don't you just stop sinning? fix yourself." She slowly stood up, shaking abnormally, "Stop being a meanie to everyone. stop!" She let out a few high pitched screams, and the taller then fainted.

He opened his eyes once again, noticing that he was in a totally different environment. He was now under the sea, and he was able to breath and not sink to the dark bottoms.

if his mind was a machine, it would've exploded at the amount of unexplained, illogical events he was going through.

"Chan!" He heard his name being called in an unsure, familiar tone, and he quickly turned around.

"Baekhyun? You're a merman? How?" Chanyeol said in disbelief, feeling his head hurt.

The petite frowned, obviously confused at what the taller said. "Who is Baekhyun, huh? i'm Yoonbaek. And you're also a merman silly, i mean you've been this way for literally all of your life. Are you okay, Chanbom?"

The taller was once again paralyzed, his mind completely loosing the ability to function.




The said giant opened his eyes, and was met by the sight of a certain worried petite.

He inspected his surroundings, realizing that he was finally back to his room, to the real world. He sighed, before closing his eyes and falling to his bed again.

Melted ice » chanbaekOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora