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please. when you finish this chapter, read the author's note. it's important. really important

Chanyeol placed his plate on the small table, grabbing the remote and playing a movie afterwards. He set himself on the couch before he started to eat the food.

after a while of eating, the smaller suddenly showed up. he was dressed in black ripped jeans, and a sweater. he held his phone and wallet in a hand and simply stood up in front of chanyeol, looking at his feet.

The giant, feeling confused, asked, "What do you want?" He saw how the petite bit his lip nervously, as he let out a low awkward laugh.

He rolled his eyes, before turning his full attention to the cute boy— not that he actually admitted that he is cute, but he just pushed the thought away. "Baekhyun, spill it out! i don't have the whole goddamn day for you!"

Baekhyun pouted, even if he felt a little bit sad at how annoying he seemed to be to the taller. "i want you to take me on a tour around the city."

Chanyeol widened his eyes in disbelief, shaking his head. "nope, i'm definitely not going to waste the last days of my holiday. go by yourself, you're not a child are you?"

"but i don't know where to go, i'm going to get lost-"

"I don't care, just get lost! i'm trying to relax! leave me alone for once, will you! oh my god you're so annoying." The giant rolled his eyes, before turning off the TV and standing up. He quickly went to his room and slammed the door.

Baekhyun stood there, unknowing what to do, other that hold back his tears. He felt his poor heart ache terribly, as he blinked the tears away. He succeeded to get rid of the salty liquid, but he couldn't maintain to stand still. He sat on the cold ground, looking at in in despair.

He smiled a little bit, as he remembered how stubborn Chanyeol was.

Just like the old days.


Chanyeol laid on his bed, looking at the ceiling as he sighed. He felt troubled, and sad for no reason. Maybe deep down he knew, but he could do nothing but deny.

It was the only thing that he was good at; deny that people cared, deny that he wasn't lonely, deny that he cared about others.
Deny that he was guilty.

He was deep in thought, until he felt a tight, robust grip on his neck, choking him with no mercy. He struggled to breath, as he let out faint screams, hoping that someone would come to his rescue.

He was suddenly shaked aggressively, making him catch his breath again and open his eyes.

He blinked a few times, before finally recognizing the man who saved him, the man who looked undeniably worried.

"Baekhyun? what was happening?" He said, horrified, as he couldn't understand what in the world just happened. He felt his heart beat uncontrollably fast and his whole body shake in fear.

it felt real, but it wasn't. It was a dream, wasn't it?

He suddenly felt slender arms wrap around his lanky figure, and a soft voice whispering, "it was just a nightmare. Please calm down Chanyeol!"

It was ironic how the petite was also as scared and afraid as the taller was. they were both horrified, confused, and unable to calm themselves.

His hands strong hands grabbed the smaller's, wanting to end the hug between them. But Baekhyun, being the stubborn male he was, only secured his arms around the giant. "you're scared. You should thank me for trying to comfort you. Stop it and just appreciate it!"

The taller rolled his eyes, but still stopped resisting. He didn't return the hug back though. "You're just too scared and you want to hug someone. i can handle myself, it's just you; you're the scardy cat here. you should be grateful i even let you touch me."

The smaller blushed, feeling embarrassed of the fact that his plan was revealed. "Shut up loser. it's not like you're made of gold or something. you're just a normal human being!"

"oh my god shut up and just enjoy this!" The taller exclaimed, making Baekhyun turn completely silent.

He sighed, before he rested his head on the smaller's shoulder. He closed his eyes and inhaled, and unconsciously sniffed the alluring scent baekhyun claimed, that made Chanyeol's senses turn completly weak.

He heard the petite chuckle "You're cute." , he said, before gently running his hand through his hair.

Chanyeol felt his face heating up, and oh God, he hated this feeling. he hated feeling flustered and flushed. He quickly sat straight, before pushing the petite from his bed. "okay the hug is done. don't do that again!"

Baekhyun could only giggle. "Alright, no more hugs!" He said, as if speaking to a child.

"No more hugs." Chanyeol repeated, sounding like he was scolding his self.

Baekhyun smiled to himself, before he turned to the taller who was rubbing his eyes. "Do you feel sleepy?" The taller hummed in response.

Baekhyun nodded, before he fixed Chanyeol's blanket. He closed the window so the room could be dark. "Alright then, sleep. i will go make lunch and i will wake you up after 3 hours. is that okay for you?"

The taller nodded, as he kept staring blankly at the ceiling.

The petite slowly approached the giant, as he shakily patted his head, as if trying to pet an aggressive animal. Chanyeol frowned.

"i'm not some sort of tiger. i don't bite."

Baekhyun chuckled awkwardly, "you don't bite. but that doesn't mean you're not aggressive and mean. you literally just pushed me a while ago."

The taller sighed, before rolling his eyes. "I just don't like you okay? you keep sticking your nose in my business. i don't like that. i don't like you."

Baekhyun looked at the floor, as he felt a sudden pain in his heart area. "ouch. that hurt, you know?"

"i know it does, silly. but maybe if you change yourself a bit, i'll be able to like you then."

Baekhyun blinked his eyes in disbelief. He can't believe that Chanyeol asked him to do the same thing that once wrecked their lives.

"i'm not sure i'll be changing myself any sooner. This is for the best of everyone."


"sleep tight chanyeol," Baekhyun made his way out of the room, closing the door afterwards, "I love you."

hey everyone, it's your sick shitty author again.

I hope everyone is fine and healthy!! well, i am not. i have a sore throat and a runny nose and i feel like shit 🤧 idk what did i do to deserve this fate sigh

also, i just want to say that i'm sorry for not updating earlier. not going to lie, i totally lost inspiration for this story. i don't know what am i supposed to make happen next. i'm completely lost. i wish i can discontinue this but i'm afraid it'll make some of you upset. i'm really trying hard to come up with ideas even though this book is one of the worst books i have ever written. i hate it. it makes me feel sick to be completely honest.

but hey! if you like it and dont want it to be discontinued then i'll gladly keep writing it! please let me know what you think about this.

see you later everyone!!!! stay happy, safe and healthy!!!! i love you <333

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