"Lilith Fray Dogars, How Dare You!"

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So, I have decided to end my book during this period. I'll take my time but I'll regularly update it. Keep on showing me the same love, you guys! 

P.S. I am going to edit out some stuff that I do not like at all or I find irrelevant, so read from the start! 


I turn around and come face to face with the beautiful man lying next to me.

Yes, this man right there, he's all mine. Mine.

I lift my hand and trace my finger from his forehead down to his cheeks and then his lips. His lips curl into a sweet smile and then he opens his beautiful eyes. "You do things to me, you know that right." He says in a husky voice.

"Oh I know that I do things to you, alright." I reply in a confident tone and try to get up but he quickly turns us over with me under him as he hovers over me. Oh, I like this position.

"Want a little rundown of last night?" He leans down and places his soft lips on mine. I immediately respond him back, molding my lips into his. He kisses me gently as if I am the most fragile thing he has ever come across.

Ajax is the white to my black, the silver lining to my cloud. I am the loud and obnoxious type who gets what she wants, no compromises. I bully the bullies, I stand up for everything that I think is wrong, I beat up people and get beaten up too. But thanks to him, I survive. And he's the only reason that I'm living.

Computers are my second love after Ajax. People at my high school used to call me the Goddess of Computers, well what can I say? I'm just unbelievably good with them.

My parents were not usually around the second I entered my junior year. Being the owners of a multinational company, they had to attend meetings from all over the world and everything about their life was business. They weren't even interested in each other. I never found them having a good time together. Everything at my place was strictly business and it suffocated me.

I was more of a possession, a thing in their house. I never got the love of a mom and the warmth of a dad. They weren't around for it. My life was imperfect until Ajax came along.

Ajax, the only son of Hunter Maxwell Mendes, the owner of Mendes Enterprises. My parents' company and his company came together for a project and that's how I met Ajax.

His mother is the sweetest and the warmest woman I have ever come across. I thought that was she was going to be as uptight and cold as my mother but she wasn't. She was nice to me and told me that she's happy to see someone with her son. She never disapproved of me and always told me that she loves the both of us, unconditionally.

To sum it all up, I am the reckless one while Ajax is the one that keeps me in check. My sole protector, my forever love.

"Mmm, as much as I love it we need to get ready for the first day of college." Placing a quick kiss on my cheek he gets up from the bed. I roll over the bed and fall on the ground, groaning which makes him chuckle.

Summer should never end.


I am in the computer science department while Ajax is in the business department. He will have to take up the position of his father one day while I do not have the intention to do so with my parents' company. Because that is it, it is their company not mine.

And truth to be told I do not want to end up like my parents. I do not want that electricity, that warmth and the passion to fade between us. Moreover, I would never want my kids to go through the torture that I went through.

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