21. Thalia Isabella Stilinski-Hale

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Stiles' point of view

We wanted to be absolutely sure that everything was okay with all of us, so it took us a couple days before we got home. I had known that I had a feeling that everything was going to be just fine, but I didn't want to take any risks. I just had missed home while we were away and I wanted to start our new life together.

Our little princess made us so happy, we didn't even know how perfect someone could be. I had always thought that Derek was the definition of perfection, and don't get me wrong, he is still absolutely amazing, but there was nothing even close to as perfect as the small child laying on my chest. Her eyes were shining like diamonds and I could give small kisses to her lips for the rest of my life. 

"Derek, darling. I think I know the right name for our princess. I know you probably want to call her by that for the rest of our lives, but maybe we should give her a real name too, and I would rather her to have a normal name unlike me!" I said to the love of my life. We hadn't had time to even talk about the name before, our life had been a little hectic for the last few months. I hadn't told Derek it before, but I had the right name for her the second I laid my eyes on her the first time.

"She should be Thalia Isabella Stilinski-Hale. Thalia after your mom, to honor her memory. And Isabella because of my mom and Isaac. My mother's second name was Isabel and I couldn't have survived all of this without Issy." Derek didn't say anything at first, he just gave me a small kiss and smiled. He absolutely loved the idea.

"Baby, I love you so much, more than you can even imagine: Or well, the both of you,, " he said, smiling at our Thalia.

Our relationship was getting stronger, and even though I knew that we would have many fights in the future, I also knew that we would get through everything, together. Derek was going to be the best father ever, and I knew that I wouldn't have changed anything about our lives even if I would have the chance. Maybe a little fewer fights would be nice, but we had survived all of them too. We had always been fine and we would always be.

I was really scared about being a father, but luckily, Derek was there to help me every step of the way. He showed me how to change diapers without throwing up, how to bathe her, and how to feed her. He showed me everything. Thalia was surprisingly an easy baby. She hardly cried and she always seemed happy.  Maybe I had spent a few sleepless nights, but I got to sleep the next day, so it was okay.

When I didn't have anything else to worry about, I started to worry about Derek. It was probably just my imagination, but he often seemed to be deep in his thoughts and he didn't even notice when I called for him one night.

"Baby, are you okay?" I asked one night after I had put Thalia into her bed.

"Yeah, don't worry baby. I had just been a little tired after all of this, but I'm sure that I will get better soon." he just answered.

Yeah, maybe everything was going to be okay. Well, not with our luck. 

Thank you guys so much for reading this fic! This has been an amazing road and I'm thankful of every single one of you. This is the end of the story, but don't worry, I'll inform you when the sequel is up. I would appreciate your comments and opinions, so please, if you want to, leave them here. I love you <3 

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