7. How to save him

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Derek's point of view

It hurt me and my wolf so badly to see my mate suffering. He had fallen asleep in pain and I couldn't do anything to help him. All this was my fault, as always. Stiles was going to die because of me. All I ever wanted to do was to keep my mate safe and happy, but now I was the reason he was hurting. And I knew this was just the beginning. The pain would get so much worse. These four months would be hell for him and I had to figure out how to keep Stiles alive. 

I couldn't let him die, I would not be a good father alone. I wouldn't be good at anything without my mate. He made me good. Made me happy, made me laugh. Nobody has been able to do that since the tragical death of my family. Or to be honest, most of my family. My sister Cora had survived and now she was living in Australia, being an amazing beta and her Alpha's mate. And my uncle Peter had been in a coma for six years. And when he woke up, he killed my sister Laura which had survived the fire. Peter has been crazy since the fire. He had lost his wife, sister, friends, and his little baby girl. 

Stiles was the only person I told anything about my family. The family had always been the most important thing in my life. And now the most important thing was my mate. He was my family, my everything. And now I would have to figure out how to save him. And I would do anything.

Stiles started slowly to wake up. His hands were on his stomach like he could feel the baby there though he knew he couldn't. Maybe in a couple of weeks, but not yet. I heard my baby's heartbeat, it was strong. Just as strong as my dear mate's. I loved hearing it, it made me smile.

"How are you feeling little one?" I asked.

"Are you talking to me or to our little girl?" Stiles asked smiling.

"And may I ask, why do you think it is a girl?" I asked him and he just said that he had a feeling that he was carrying a little princess. It would actually be nice. To have a little princess. Or a prince. I didn't care about the gender, I would love our baby with all of my heart anyways.

"And if you meant me by the little one, I am fine, thanks. I'm not in pain now, which is awesome! I know it hurts you to see my suffering, but I am going to be fine. I would go through all the pain in the world to have our little girl" he smiled tears in his eyes. I just hugged him and there we just spooned each other, him being the little spoon of course. And at that moment, everything was good. I didn't worry about anything. I just loved the idea of our small family: me, Stiles and our little baby girl.

Hello my baby nuggets! How are you? Comment and vote please, it would mean the world to me!

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