2. What are you sorry for?

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Derek's point of view

I couldn't even register what happened before I noticed Stiles running from the house tears in his eyes. I never realized that he felt that way about the pack and himself. To us, he was the most precious thing and we couldn't have managed to survive all the things that had happened if it weren't for him. 

"Stay here, I'll go talk to him," I said, flashing my eyes red, knowing that they would have to listen to me.  It didn't take me long to find Stiles, crying on the cold ground, bawling his eyes out. It physically hurt me to see my mate crying, I wish that he would never feel any kind of pain in his whole life.

I had known that Stiles was my mate for a couple of years, but I had never told him anything about it. I knew that the feeling wasn't mutual and I would just scare him away, so it was easier to keep my mouth shut. At first, I had pretended to hate Stiles to cover up my feelings, but nowadays, we were almost friends. Or at least I thought so. 

"Stiles..." I started, but I couldn't figure out what to say. I hadn't ever been good with my words, but Stiles had thought me that it was good to talk about my feelings and that it didn't mean weakness, kind of the opposite actually.

"What Derek? I told you to leave me alone and be happy with your pack" he almost shouted, but I heard a crack in his voice, he was broken. 

"Stiles, there is no pack if you are not in our lives. We wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for you. You are our pack mom, you are the glue that keeps us together. You know to help Isaac with his panic attacks and night-terrors, you know how to help Lydia to figure this whole banshee thing. You know how to calm Jackson, even though I can see that most of the time you two dislike each other. You are Scott's brother, how could he survive without you beside him. He is a great guy, but sometimes I think a newborn baby would be smarter than him" I heard a small laugh at this point and saw Stiles looking straight into my eyes, waiting for me to continue.

"You are not weak, you are the opposite of weak. I don't know anyone or anything stronger and braver than you. You are a human and you still manage to stay alive in supernatural attacks, you have beaten the thousand years old spirit, you have held my body in the pool for hours. How could anyone see you as weak?" I wasn't thinking properly before I smashed our lips together. Stiles was shocked but slowly began kissing back. The kiss was slow, comforting and loving. Everything I had ever wanted, but still, I pulled away.

"I'm sorry Stiles, I shouldn't have done that. I know that you don't feel the same way, I truly am sorry" I just babbled, my cheeks turning red. I was expecting a punch or shouting, but instead, the young boy smiled at me.

"You don't know anything about my feelings love," he said, before pulling me in for another kiss.

Pregnant with a Sourwolf // Sterek mpregWhere stories live. Discover now