He slowly moved his hand towards his ear, pressing the button to call for any of the Commander's that were currently on the line. He heard a screeching static, but a female voice quickly replaced it.

"Head Commander Noriko here, something wrong?"

He opened his mouth to respond to the Commander's words, but was intervened by a claw flying down towards him. He jumped into a safer part of the room, the claw smashing into the ground and causing rubble and debris to fly across the chamber. 

Clearly hearing the commotion coming from the other side of the line, the girl started to speak once more in a tone of worry and seriousness.

"What's going on over there?"

Seeing that he had but a moment before his attacker could recompose himself, he took the chance to speak what needed to be said.

"This is Taichi of the Guard Unit, Commander. We've found the escapee, he has apparently been hiding in Prince Arata's room and has been waiting to attack."

The vampire launched forward to the man, attempting to cut off the rest of his words but Taichi managed to dodge and finish the rest of his sentence. He nearly got scratched by the sharp claws, but fortunately, managed to avoid it.

"You've found him? I see. I will get there as soon as possible."

Taichi dodged a series of claw attacks, desperately watching the vampire's every move in fear of being slashed to pieces. 

"Please be quick."

"I will," she said.

There was a pause, as if she was thinking if she should say more. Thinking that she should, she started to speak words of advice to the guard.

"But whatever you do, don't attack. Only dodge, you're much faster than him - at least, that's what I heard from Takehiko. Stay light on your feet and keep moving, don't do anything rash. Do not block, and try not to attack - because if he manages to block or dodge it, or get his hands on you, that's the end of it."

Taichi gulped at the Commander's tone and words. He knew from the rumours that the escapee was dangerous, but from her voice, she made it sound like he was more than just a threat, but a danger to them all.

"I... I understand. I'll see what I can do."

"Good. Noriko out."

He removed his hand from his speaker, his mind fully focusing on the fight and making sure to lead the vampire away from his siblings and the prince. He was fast for sure, but unfortunately, he did not hold very much stamina and would soon collapse in only but a few minutes. He hoped that Commander Noriko would arrive soon, and before he gets slashed to pieces by the escapee.


Noriko ended the call, bolting through the forest at an incredible speed and summoning her teki powers to use her dragon's physical abilities - speed, strength, stamina, all of it. Her mind processed the information quickly, many theories forming in her mind and more or less hoping that this would be the last she would have to see the vampire's face.

If the vampire was inside the whole entire time, then why didn't he take that chance to attack the Prince? He certainly would've been successful in his attack, that was for sure. So why? She thought, frowning. Perhaps the Prince wasn't his main goal? Most likely since he hasn't tried to kill him until Taichi entered the room - he's fighting him right now. Is he after someone else then? Is the Prince only bait for one of the Commanders? But then why not go after them immediately?

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