Hana gave him a sweet smile, which was more like a leer. "Now, now, are you sure that's exactly why you decided to confess? Don't be afraid Kyo. You've been so honest and truthful so far..a little more honesty can't hurt can it?"

Kyo remained silent. His face had the obstinate look of a cornered victim ready to fight to death. "I already told you the truth. I really felt guilty about what I was doing! That's the whole truth!", he said stubbornly.

Hana's smile widened. She loved torturing weak minds like this. The more they resisted, the more fun it was to crack them..

She leaned forward and whispered, dramatically," Are you sure no one asked you to confess?"

Kyo gave a start when he heard her words but waved it away." No one knew what I was doing. Who would make me confess?", he asked defensively, now on his guard.

"Oh, I don't know!", Hana said cheerfully." Maybe a friend, an acquaintance, or..a blackmailer on the phone..?" she paused to enjoy the dramatic effect of her words.

She wasn't disappointed . Kyo gave a small jump, his face now as white as sheet. "H...how did you know?", he blurted out.

Hana gave a triumphant smile. " So it is true! I have my ways of knowing Kyo san!", she said with a small laugh. She turned to the cameras and audience. "Ladies and gentlemen, there is another interesting fact that I would like to share with you."

Her audience was definitely interested as they listened to her attentively.

"Yesterday evening, we received an anonymous call from a woman. She said that the information that Kyo wanted to reveal information to the press out of pressure. She had blackmailed him into doing so as she had a certain..er..'compromising' video of him which might possibly destroy his career. However, she had changed her mind about keeping her side of the bargain and sent us the tape anyway. "

The audience was very quiet now. Kyo had aged a hundred years in just a few minutes. His eyes were wide and mad looking and his mouth opened and closed feebly like a fish out of water." You..you can't!", he protested hoarsely. "She promised.. not to show..."

Hana turned to him, feeling a sadistic pleasure coarse through her. She was itching to release the tape immediately, but wanted to prolong the pleasure of torturing this weak minded young man..."Do you know who this black mailer is Kyo?", she asked kindly." Can you possibly disclose our informant's name?"

Kyo gulped as he nodded." Who is it?", she asked, barely controlling her excitement.

Kyo opened his mouth and closed it again, his eyes once more darting here and there looking for a way to escape.

"Don't be afraid Kyo!", Hana urged, with a touch of impatience." Who was it?"

Kyo hung his head with an air of defeat. "I'm not very sure if it was really her..", he mumbled."it's i..impossible..but I don't know who el-"

Kyo stopped short as he stared straight ahead at nothing in particular. His eyes were wide with a terror that knew no bounds. Suddenly he let out a terrible scream as he clutched his throat and fell to the floor, writhing.

The audience watched with fascinated horror. His face was starting to turn purple when a group of crewman rushed on stage to wrench the hysterical man's hand off his throat. Somehow, the feeble young man seemed to have developed superhuman strength to resist their combined efforts. His face slowly turned blue and finally he stopped moving...

A tall, powerful looking young man switched off the programme and turned to glare at the Vie Ghoul band members before him. "Well?!", he barked scathingly." This was your 'brilliant' plan to defeat Fuwa? Your 'brilliant' plan just blew up in our faces didn't it? The next time I hire a band, I'll look for one with brains!"

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