Chapter 54: It Could've Been Great/Message Recieved

Start from the beginning

"It's fine," Y/n said, "It isn't healing as nicely as I'd want it do,"

"Hmm, perhaps we need more of that... ointment," Pearl said, "How are you feeling? You seem a bit lethargic,"

"How so?" Y/n asked

"Your eyes, they're... Glossed over," Pearl said, "Are you perhaps getting sick?"

"Maybe," Y/n said, "Peridot was just telling me about the drill bit,"

"Ah, yes. Unfortunately we cannot find a drill bit set at the barn," Pearl told

"Well, I offered to go and buy one, but Peridot seemed to have an objection to that idea," Y/n said

"Peridot?" Pearl frowned

"Well... Uh, you see... I figured that Y/n could... Do something of more value!" Peridot pieced together, "There are so many other parts of the drill to work on! Besides, they just arrived. It would be rude to send them away so quickly!"

"Y/n, please head into town and buy us a drill set," Pearl turned to Y/n, handing over Greg's debit card, "And remember-"

"See no evil, speak no evil," Y/n said as they pocketed the card

"That's my Y/n," Pearl smiled as she patted Y/n's back

"Wait! I-I'll accompany you!" Peridot told

"No, Peridot you have to stay here where we can watch you," Pearl said

"You allowed the Y/n to accompany me to the Kindergarten, but I am not allowed to accompany Y/n to another closer location?" Peridot questioned

"I'll look after her," Y/n assured, "It's not a problem,"

"Alright..." Pearl fretted, "If you are okay with it, I guess Peridot can go with you,"

"Yes!" Peridot pumped excitedly, "Er... I mean... That is acceptable,"

"Alright, follow me Peri," Y/n waved for Peridot to follow as they went back to their scooter, "Eh... I guess you don't need a helmet," Y/n said as they strapped their helmet on and sat on the scooter, "Hop on,"

"Hmm," Peridot glanced over the vehicle before climbing on, "What do I hold onto?"

"Me," Y/n said, "Hold onto my sides,"

"Nyeh..." Peridot made an odd sound as she carefully put her hands on Y/n's hips, "Like this?"

"Perfect," Y/n said as they turned the ignition on, "Here we go," Y/n twisted the accelerator handle forward and sped off down the street.

"Ah! I wasn't aware the vehicle moves this quickly!" Peridot yelped as she held onto Y/n tightly

"I can slow down if you want!" Y/n yelled over the rushing windows

"N-no! This is perfectly fine!" Peridot assured as she gripped Y/n, "What is our estimated time of arrival?"

"Should be five minutes!" Y/n said, keeping their eyes on the road

"The land is declining!" Peridot shrieked as Y/n began to drove, the road dipping down

"I know, Peri," Y/n said as they drove down, "I've been on this path many a-times,"

"I-I see," Peridot said, resting her head on Y/n's back

"I can go slower," Y/n assured, "It'll just take us an extra minute or two,"

"It's okay," Peridot took a deep breath, "I can handle it... I'm just not used to a vehicle moving so fast when it has no walls or containment..."

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