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The most noticeable thing was the suffocating quiet. It wasn't as if you were sitting in Snowdin forest at night, and it was just quiet. This was a complete absence of sound. Like the emptiness was constantly absorbing even the most minute whisper of life. There was nothing.

That is what Sans woke up to. He stood, having no idea where he was. There was nothing around him except pure white nothingness. No color, no sound. Only Sans.

Slowly, he remembered what had happened. Was this where you went when you stopped existing? No. That didn't seem right. He was existing here, wasn't he?

He walked around, looking for a way out. Anything. Not having anything to focus on was driving him crazy. The silence didn't help. He had no way to know if he had even moved an inch.

"hello?" He called. His voice sounded muted. Absorbed slightly even before it had reached his own ears. It was strange.

No one answered him. He called again. He sat down, fiddling with his zipper. He zipped it up and down his jacket, glad for a way to make even the slightest bit of noise.

He sat criss-cross. Folding his hands in his lap. Waiting. Nothing changed. He took off his glasses wondering if maybe he could figure out why they had come with him. He hummed random notes to fill the quiet.

His glasses were definitely the ones from Alphys. Red ones. They were really big, but he preferred them like that. How did anyone see out of those tiny slit ones like dad used to wear? Sans felt he would easily get annoyed by them. He put his glasses back on, waiting again for any change.

He didn't know why he was waiting, the question never even entered his mind. All he knew was there had to be something next. There was going to be another psychopath trying to destroy everything, there had to be. This couldn't be it.

He missed dad. Sure he hadn't gotten along all that great with the guy, but Gaster really was a great scientist, and he really did care about Sans when it counted. He thought back on his childhood, looking for ways he would improve it if he could go back.

Not that he could. Usually, peolle said they wouldn't change even the worst part about their childhood, since it made them who they are now. Sans hated who he was. He hated what had happened. He would change anything in an instant if he could live a happy life.

What would have happened if he hadn't broken protocol to mess with dad's machine. He was so stupid to have done that. He could hardly remember what he was feeling when he did it, but he was sure he had done it out if spite for his father not telling him. Thinking about it now made him feel even worse about himself.

He decided to sleep. He lay back, looking at the whiteness above him. He enjoyed sleeping. It was really the best way to pass time, so he slept.

And slept.

And slept...

How long had he slept? He hadn't kept track of time. It felt like a very long time, but it also felt like nothing compared to this place. Time didn't change this place. Time was relative, and here, there wasnothing to compare with.

He stood. "hello!" He yelled.

No answer. Sans looked around. What if there was no one left? He had destroyed everyone's code. What if he was alone? Forever?

"ANYONE!" He screamed, panic rising in his chest. "PAPYRUS! ALPHYS! ANYBODY HELP ME!!!"

Sans screamed and screamed. "PLEASE, COME BACK! I'M SORRY!" He cried.

Filled with regret, he started pushing his memories deep within him. He focused all his attention on screaming. Thinking about the others hurt. It killed him. So he pushed the memories away.

He would scream for help till his throat got sore and raspy. Someone would hear him, right? There had to be someone else. He couldn't be alone all his life. He couldn't have been the one who destroyed all life in existence. There had to be more.

He had no idea how long he spent screaming. He screamed a long time. When he got too panicked, his magic would be triggered. That would shock him enough to calm him down. But soon, he would think again, and the fear would rise again.

Then something happened. The screams he pushed from his mouth returned. They screamed back.

"MURDERER!" "KILLER!" The screams forced their way into his head. He stopped screaming, they didn't. The silence he had heard turned into a cacophony of accusations pointed at himself.

It was too much. He curled up and pulled the hood of his jacket over his head. By this time, it had seemed as though the colors had finally decided on black, red, and yellow.

The screams never stopped screaming. Sans found himself blocking those voices out with hand puppets. All he had to use was his socks. Right was a prick and Left was an idiot. They were all he had, though.

Sans created a whole life with them. Left was obviously in love with Right, but Right was too much of a tsundere to admit he liked Left back.

Of course, Left, being a complete imbecile, was constantly getting depressed at the fact that Right 'hated him'. Even thought they did everything together, and Right was only ever nice to Left.

Sans was always the one Right picked on. He hated it. Left was always telling Right to be nice, but Right was the master of angst, apparently, and couldn't ruin his image by being nice to some nerd in dorky, big glasses.

Sans got bored of Right's shenanigans. Throwing the socks on the ground, he stood up and slid into his slippers. He had to focus on getting out of here. He didn't have time for the petty drama Right and Left always caused.

He tried looking at the code, only to be punished by the error messages. He sat in annoyance while it passed. He was getting more used to the uncomfortable glitch, but the blindness was annoying.

He started playing with the code blindly. He figured, even if it broke this place, it was much better than being trapped here forever. There had to be some way out. Sans would find it. He had to stay Determined.

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