It'll Take Some Getting Used To

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Sans woke up late. Shit. He had forgotten to set his alarm last night. What a great way to start his new job. He quickly changed clothes and ran out the door.

Luckily, he knew a shortcut.

Gerson was patiently waiting for him at the training grounds. He did nothing but chuckle at Sans' rushed expression. He beckoned for Sans to follow him. Sans took a second to collect his thoughts before following the turtle.

Gerson's job now was to help Sans train the other members of the Royal Guard. What a feat that would be. Among the members in front of him, he couldn't see any of them really standing up to anyone.

Gerson was looking at Sans in expectation. All the others followed his lead. Sans had no idea what he was doing wrong, he hadn't even been here a full minute. 

"Well aren't you gonna say something?" Gerson prompted with a smirk.

"oh. um.. i'm not a good public speaker. so uh.. you guys do good by me, work hard, and stay loyal, and i'll be honored to work with you." He shoved his hands in his pockets. "this is my Royal Guard now. don't expect it to be the same as when Undyne was in charge. our goal isn't to break the barrier. we're here to keep the peace. Gerson and i will train you for that exact purpose."

Gerson looked happy with that response. "How do you wanna take this?"

"uh.. train them in defense and tactics to restrain people instead of injure or kill them?" Sans was totally guessing. Gerson hadn't even trained him like that. It had ended up like that after a while, but that was mainly due to Sans' low HP.

Gerson gave a slight chuckle. "It's obvious you haven't trained anyone before."

"heh. isn't that why you're here?" Sans averted his gaze in embarrassment.

Gerson nodded. "I'll get something together. Papyrus was really the expert in controlling his magic to just perfectly match the enemy's strength."

Sans felt loss at the mention. He couldn't help but wish he had taken more of an opportunity to learn from his brother. All the times his brother bugged him to train with him, and Sans just ignored him.

"Hey." Gerson put his hand heavily on Sans' shoulder, knocking the trance away. "You should head out for a patrol."

Sans nodded. He watched as Gerson ordered the monsters into training for a second, then headed back towards Snowdin.

On his way, Flowey popped up. "Golly! Color me surprised! I never would have thought you could actually make it to becoming captain! And the show you put on during your ceremony! Papyrus should have died a long time ago!" It gave it's sick little laugh.

"i don't think you count as a citizen since you're technically dead, so i'll warn ya. you cause trouble, you wont get arrested. you'll die. and i'll kill you every time i see you after that. no matter how many resets happen."

Sans was absolutely calm as he spoke. He had known this would be the deal he gave Flowey. He was also sure the flower wouldn't stick to it for long. He still wanted to give it a chance. That seemed like the most honorable way to go about it.

"Wow! How did you get so cool? Right under my nose, too!" Flowey seemed to be thoroughly enjoying this. "Threatening me like that, it's completely unlike you! What happened to the cowardly wimp who wouldn't hurt a fly?"

Sans hadn't realized how really different he had become until Flowey pointed it out. He wasn't afraid of a fight. He preferred not to fight, but Gerson had beaten the fear out of him.

Looking at the other areas of his life, he realized he was far less lazy now. He hadn't gotten drunk in god knows how long. His house was clean. He was becoming responsible.

He smirked. Imagine what Papyrus would think if he saw Sans now. He would probably die of shock.

"Talking to your voice again?" Flowey bounced. Sans flinched. He had forgotten Flowey was there. "I know you have Chara in there somewhere." It giggled.

Sans shrugged. "maybe. it's not like it's your business. excuse me, i have to finish my route."

Being the only one on patrol meant he had to walk all the way from the door to the Ruins to New Home.

Monster Kid picked up on his trail a while in. Sans took notice, and invited the kid to patrol with him. He would enjoy the company.

"That was sooo cool the way you got that guy to stop fighting like that!" Monster Kid had been rambling the whole way. Sans didn't mind. He enjoyed listening to someone share their thoughts so openly. "Undyne would have beat him up, but you just BOOM knocked him to the ground! Without even touching him!"

The monsters around watched Sans with open suspicion. Sans focused on the Monster Kid's conversation rather than acknowledging them.

Once he got near the end of Waterfall, he sent the kid home. Hotland might be too far for the kid to go without his parents permission, and Sans would prefer not to have complaints on the first day.

Without the kid, suspicion was even more noticeable. Every monster stopped talking as soon as he came near. They all watched with either suspicion or curiosity.

Sans ended up wishing he was back training with the others. His feet were tired, he was hot, and he had been in such a rush, he hadn't eaten anything all day.

He reached New Home in silence. Asgore noticed him and invited him inside for a cup of tea. Sans readily accepted.

"How are you taking your responsibilities as captain?" Asgore asked as he handed Sans a piping hot cup of tea. Sans would have preferred something cold, but he wasn't going to complain.

"i'm getting settled." Sans shrugged. The movement sloshed some tea over the edge of the cup onto his fingers. He wiped it off on his jacket, glad for the inability to feel heat. "so far it's included public speaking and lots of walking."

"Wait till you get to the reports." Asgore smiled. "Undyne hated those."

Sans could only imagine how annoying it would have been for someone as active as Undyne to be forced to sit and write a report on all activity. The thought made him laugh. "i bet that was a riot."

Asgore sighed with a smile. "She had about three months worth of paperwork she had yet to turn in."

Sans nodded. "sounds right." He chugged down the last of his tea, and put it on the table. "i should head back. the recruits still have a lot of training."

Asgore nodded and walked with him to the door. "You seem to be doing well. Good luck with the guardsmen."

Sans nodded and headed back. He knew it would take a while, but so long as he could keep from dying, he was sure he could make a Royal Guard everyone would be able to trust in.

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