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-          yerin's heart was racing for the rest of the class. the model changed position a couple of times, the hours ticked away, and soon it was time to put on any finishing touches and turn the sketches in to the professor. looking down at her pages, she could hardly remember drawing the figures; her hand had taken over for her reeling mind.

she started absentmindedly signing her name at the bottoms of her sketches. jeongguk was sitting right next to her. did he see her? would he recognize her if he did? would he say hi? yerin took a deep breath, and got up to put her sketches in the pile on her professor's desk.

"thanks, everyone," he muttered from his chair, not bothering to lift his eyes on the book.

"thank you." as yerin placed her sketches down, she admired the ones on the top of the pile. they looked so alive, like the woman was going to stand up, or stretch, or uncross her legs. some people have a natural gift, she thought, before squinting down at the signature in the corner. jjk.

yerin turned around with a start, and glimpsed a dark-haired boy snap on a pair of white headphones before turning the corner. then he was gone.


shyeri: hey min?

mini123: hii omg!!! i miss u sooooo much

shyeri: ofc i miss you more <3

shyeri: we should facetime this weekend pls i want UPDATES

shyeri: but i wanted to ask you if you knew which school jeongguk ended up going to

mini123: oh my god yerin please dont tell me u still have a crush on that boy

mini123: but no i have no idea

mini123: why???

shyeri: well

shyeri: im pretty sure he was in my drawing class today

shyeri: so

mini123: i can text him and ask?


shyeri: that would be rly weird for everyone involved PLEASE DONT

mini123: ok ok fine i wont

mini123: what were u drawing, anyway? nudes??? ;;)));));))

shyeri: yes actually

shyeri: but its like the least sexy thing ever get your mind outta the gutter

mini123: :/ :/ :/ if i have to

mini123: i love how u and guk are reuniting by drawing naked ppl ahhh true love

shyeri: nO

shyeri: you're sO MEAN

mini123: u love it <33333

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