{The Ball} chapter 9

Start from the beginning

"Luna, the ball is in your name...you have to be there," Armon frowned, his brows pulled harshly together. My chest tightened. I was so sick of not having a choice in matters that I should have.

"No, I really don't," I growled, narrowing my eyes. "I don't want to go to this stupid ball or show my face to people who don't even know me. Maybe you can relay this message to your Alpha clearer than I have been trying to for the past few days. I don't want to be here and I don't want to be your stupid L—"

"Okay," Yuri shouted, raising her arms up and letting out an awkward chuckle. "I don't think Riley got her beauty sleep last night so Armon, why don't you go check on the dress options for us?" Armon, appearing shocked, quickly nodded before scurrying out of the room. Yuri turned around swiftly, her face neutral but anger evident within those dull eyes.

"You can't say things like that. Especially in front of pack members." I was about to respond with a snarky remark, but she cut me off. "You may complain about anything else, but I wish you would not speak badly about the position of a Luna. That will hurt the pack and I do not wish to see that happen." My glare towards her slowly unraveled and I sighed, biting my bottom lip. An ache started to penetrate my heart.

I knew it was cruel. Even if it was the truth, that I didn't want to be their Luna, it is wrong to make them suffer like that. Those words would cut deeper than knives to Armon and I wanted to hurt him because of my distaste for Alpha Jonah. For a Luna to state that she does not want to be one, means the same thing as stating that she does not want to be with her pack members, with the Alpha, or have any connection to the pack itself. That's never really happened before but I'm assuming that kind of devastation to the people could ruin a pack. Unfortunately, his sister was right. The only thing I would be doing is creating anguish for innocent people.

"I don't really know what you want me to do. You don't really have a choice, Riley. Either come with me with some dignity or face the wrath of my brother. I would rather not be at the receiving end of his anger so I would advise you to choose the first option." I rolled my eyes, choosing to keep them glued to the window. If I looked at this wolf I might just assault her. I would not yield to him because of his anger issues. Me refusing to succumb to his orders might actually help him learn that he cannot get everything he desires by throwing childish tantrums.

"Then let him come," I growled lowly. In reality, however, I would love it if he didn't.

I heard her sigh and take a seat on the bed. For a few moments, we both listened to each other's breaths, waiting for one of us to yield. I thought she would have tattled to her brother by now. Was she simply bluffing?

"It seems unnecessary to go to Jonah about this. If you do not want to go for him or the pack, then...go for...the festivities and food," she exclaimed and I held in a laugh. This woman was truly grabbing for straws now.

"You were a rouge before coming here and I'm sure you miss the excitement of, of celebrating! There will be music and dancing and...food! Really, really good food! There will be hors d'oeurves, champagne, um...um... and dessert!" My fingers twitched and I spun my head around to face her. Mmmm dessert?

"Cakes, chocolate, cookies, or anything that you request. I am sure it can be made. Especially since the party is for you," she smirked, her eyes twinkling. My stomach tightened and my mouth watered at the thought of inhaling those sugary, buttery treats. I haven't had sweets in years. Dessert was always my favorite meal of the day. Some people would say that it technically doesn't count as a meal, but for me it did. It never mattered where I was because I could always smell my mothers baking from miles away. She was the best at making anything. Her desserts would fill you up with a little bit of joy because she always put her heart into her baking.

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