Chapter 14

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             Chapter 14

Jaiden's POV

I watched as Violets sister locked lips with my beta. I'm happy for Daemon, he's been of finding his mate for a really long time, but my worry for Violet outweighs my happiness. She looks terrified and shell shocked, and I know it's because of David. Her brown hair tumbled down her back in loose waves and her bright blue eyes looked at the mates cautiously, like she was deciding on how to react. I quickly go to her side try to get her attention.

"Violet? Darling?" I say, but she doesn't seem to hear me. She can't take her eyes off her sister and Daemon. "I need you to look at me." I demand.

"My sister, is mated to a werewolf. A werewolf who is about to go to battle with my insane ex. She is going to die. My poor choice in men is going to be the reason that I lose my sister," She muttered and started to sway on her feet. Oh God, I need to calm her down before she passes out.

"Violet you need to calm down. It's going to be all right! I'm sure Nicole knows how to fend for herself!" I try to reason with her but she wasn't understanding what I was saying, she was just looking at me with wide eyes. "Violet. Calm down. Daemon will not let anything happen to her, and neither will I." I swear and resist the urge to shake some sense into her. The words of reassurance finally seem to stick with her.

"Do you promise?" She asks helplessly. I grab her face in my hands and look into her eyes. I can tell when she understands how serious I am because she gives me a quick nod and buries her face into my chest.

"Let's go back to the house and we can talk to Nicole in my office," I suggested, "Ok?" She nodded meekly and we turned to look at the new mates, who were now looking at Violet in concern.

"I'm so happy for you Nicole," Violet said weakly and leaned her back against my chest.

"We need to talk at my house," I informed the couple and pulled Violet out of the shop, before she started her full-blown freak out.

We'd been driving for about 30 minutes in complete silence. Violet was staring out the window at the passing trees.

"Dammit Violet! You need to talk to me! Your sister is going to be ok! She can handle it!" I finally snapped, trying to get a response from her. When she still didn't talk to me, I pulled the car over on the side of the road.

"Look at me." I demanded and turned her around in her chair to face me. Instead of seeing a frightened look I expected, her eyes were just blank. I pulled her in for a kiss, hoping to snap her out of it. When I pull back I am taken back by the dark look I her eyes. She quickly grabs me and pulls me back into a breathtaking kiss. I push her into the back seat and crawl over her.

"Baby, I'm going to help your heat."

"It's about time," Her voice is husky with lust, and I nearly lose it. I press kisses into her neck before making my way down her body.

Violet's Point of View

"Did that help baby," Jai ask leaning over me, giving me a lopsided grin. I nod tiredly and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him on top of me. I smile as he readjusts us so that I'm resting on top of him, and without meaning to, I fall into the deepest sleep I've had since the bloody heat started.

When I woke up, I was in Jai's office on his couch in his t-shirt. Jaiden, Nicole, and Daemon were sitting around Jai's desk and whispering to each other. I lay there quietly, trying to ease drop on them "What do you mean? She can't be! How old is she?" I heard Jaiden faintly say.

"Look I know it's hard to believe, but we come from pure blood werewolves. We're sure she's a werewolf, she just hasn't shifted yet. We believe that she is a white wolf or a black wolf, that would explain why she hasn't shifted yet. She is going to shift soon though, most likely tonight. You know how the legend goes, it's always on the midnight after their 25th birthday." Nicole said fervently

"So you mean to tell me that my mate is shifting in 2 hours and is possible the rarest wolf in the world?" Jaiden question, his voice increasing with every word.

"Look I don't know what else to tell you," Nicole snapped, getting frustrated with him. Jaiden's loud growl has me quickly sitting up and looking over at Nicole with wide eyes. Nobody but me has ever disrespected Jai before and I'm not sure how he'll take it.

Jaiden's body was shaking, like he was about to lose control of his body, and he was staring at Nicole in fury. I quickly jump up from the couch and rush to Jaiden, before he could do anything. I sat on his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck, trying to calm him down. "Shh you need to calm down. She just got frustrated and she didn't mean to disrespect you. Ok? She now knows to be careful, but you can't punish her for something she didn't me to do." I spoke soothingly and glared at Nicole.

"Stop acting like such a brat. You may not be used to this, but you need to respect him." I snap at her.

"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?" She taunts. Before she can even blink, I'm in front of her, pinning her to the chair.

"You really want to test me? I suppose you don't remember what happened to all those people who tired to stop me from leaving David?" I said venomously, "Because I can easily remind you." Jaiden gently pulls me away and wraps his arms around me. Nicole looks momentarily shocked at what I said to her.

"You'll have to excuse her, she kind if in her heat right now and she feeling kind of snappy," Jai said sheepishly as I continued to glare at Nicole

"Why don't you just mate her and get it over with?" Nicole ask curiously

"Because she doesn't want to," He explained, rubbing his hands up and down my back soothingly.

"Violet! You can't possibly expect to make it through these next couple of weeks," She exclaimed

"Why not?" I ask curiously, "And what do you mean the next couple of weeks?"

"Violet, your shifting tonight. You're going to be one of the most powerful wolves ever made.... This means your heat will be more aggressive and last longer than normal she wolves" She explained, causing me to tense in Jaiden's arms.

"What do you mean I'm going to shift tonight?" I ask vulnerably.

"Mom and Dad are wolves, and so am I.. We believe that the reason that you haven't shifted yet is because you are a white wolf or a black wolf." She explained, giving me a comforting smile.

"What's the difference between the white wolf and the black wolf? Is one evil and one good?" I asked to no one particular, still staring in Nicole in shock.

"No! All the colors mean is what powers you will get and what your attitude is like." Jai exclaimed

"So basically, I'm shifting in about an hour and a half" I half screamed, half whimpered and clutched to Jai.

"I'm sorry sweetie," Jai said soothingly, "But don't worry, because I'm gonna be right there with you."

"You owe me a so much coffee after this," I snap and cross my arms, causing him to smile slightly.

"Anything you want darling" He chuckles and pulls me into a tight hug. I hug him tightly, internally freaking out. How did I never know that I was a werewolf? Is that the reason why I am mated with Jaiden? Did David know?

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