Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

When I woke up I was back in Jaiden's room, wrapped in a fuzzy white blanket that was accompanied with a migraine that would make a grown man cry. I slowly made my way to the bathroom, hoping that he had ibuprofen in his medicine cabinet, but unfortunately the fates were not looking out for me because all he had in his medicine cabinet was a bottle of shaving cream and a razor. I whimpered and slowly made my way out of the room, being careful to avoid all bright lights so my headache wouldn't get worse. When I finally made it to the kitchen I saw Jai and a couple of other people at the table, discussing something. When Jai saw me he immediately jumped up and started to make his way towards me.

"What are you doing out of bed? The doctor said that you have a mild concussion from your fall and that you should stay in bed for a couple of days." He states accusingly and pulls me into a hug, wrapping the blanket around me tighter.

"I just need something for my headache" I groan and bury my face into his chest

"Here you go," Someone said behind me and held out a bottle of ibuprofen for me to take. When I took a closer look, I saw that it was Daemon.

"Oh thank god" I exclaimed and quickly swallow two without any water

"How can you swallow that dry?" One of the other guys ask at the table

"Always being on the road, I had to learn how to use as less time as possible," I explained.

"Why were you always on the road?" Daemon asked.

"I realized that it would be my only way to escape, so one day I packed my bag, grabbed my camera, and hopped in a car and sped off leaving my hometown in the dust" I said quietly, looking down at my feat. It was silent for a moment before Jaiden broke the tension and introduced me to all of the guys at the table. Daemon, his Beta and the one who I already met several times, was a tall guy who looked like he had some Italian heritage in him with his dark hair and tan complexion, and was currently mateless, Cole, his Gamma (3rd in command) and Maya's mate. The last guy was Callam, his head warrior and the one who was asking all the questions, he also doesn't have a mate yet. After about an hour of sitting at the table and getting to know them, I started to feel slightly dizzy

"Hey Jai, I'm going to lay down," I murmured quietly so I wouldn't interrupt Callam's story.

"Ok sweetie, I'll help you up the stairs" He murmured back

"No it's fine, I can make it on my own" I whispered and stood up, only wobbling slightly before Jaiden quickly places his hand on my back to steady me

"I think it will be a better idea for me to carry you" He said worryingly and cradled me in his arms, like I weighed nothing. When we finally got to his room he carefully sat me down on the bed and laid down beside me.

"You know I'm not glass right? I don't break easily," I muttered sleepily

"I never said that you broke easily" He said quietly and started to play with my hair

"You're treating me like I do though, I could have easily walked up here alone"

"I'm sure you could sweetie" He chuckled

"See now you agree with me" I smiled sleepily and pull him closer and drift off into oblivion.

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