Chapter 5

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                                  Chapter 5

I've been hiding in my room ever since the incident in the kitchen. Luckily, it appears as if he had some people send over some supplies for me. My room is full stocked with clothing and my shower essentials. Jaiden has tried to talk to me through the door, but I just ignored him and took a shower instead. I know that he is only concerned, and that it is his job to be, but there is still the fact that he is a mythical creature and claims that I am his "mate".

"Violet, please open the door. I have your supper, and we really need to talk." Jaiden's voice calls out, when I don't answer immediately he starts banging on the door.

"Please go away Jaiden, this doesn't concern you." I wait to see if he is going to give up, but he just keeps on banging on the door.

"Fine." I snap and throw the door open. He is standing there with a smirk on his face, and a plate full of food. I quickly grab the plate and try to shut the door again, but he shoves his foot in between the door and the doorframe to stop me.

"Not so fast. We still need to talk." I don't reply, I just leave the door open and walk to my bed.

"What do you want to talk about." I question angrily, I don't want to talk to him because I know what he will ask me about. "I'm not answering any questions about David."

"We need to know what to look for," He sits down next to me and grabs my hand. I meet his eyes, and I noticed how concerned he is.

"A pink tulip is signature. He will leave a single tulip, and if you find he tulip then it is already too late. The tulip means that he is already waiting for you." I try to keep my tears back, but it isn't working out very well for me.

"Why tulips?" He questions gently, pulling me into his chest and wrapping his arms around me.

"We met when I was buying tulips for my sister. She had just gotten into her choice college, so I was buying her flowers and chocolate as a gift." I smile softly at the memory. "Tulips were the only flowers the store had in stock, pink tulips to be exact."

"I'm sorry," He murmured and pressed a kiss to the stop of my head.

"It's ok, I'm over it for the most part. I feel like I have been running since that day." I look at our joined hands and smile softly.

"You don't have to run anymore." He said firmly before continuing, "How are you doing with the whole Greg situation?"

"I don't even know; the whole situation was crazy. I don't think I was with him long enough to suffer any more mental damage. The other girls though, I can't even imagine what they went through. I was only awake for a day during my time with him, and half of that was spent with me being paralyzed."

"Daemon and I were meaning to ask you about that, both of the other girls say that he never used that drug on them. So why did he use it on you?"

"I almost escaped. I broke the bed frame, so that I could get my cuffs free, and then I bolted for the front door. He injected me with the drug when I was trying to unlock the door." I can feel Jaiden chuckling slightly, making me look up at him in bewilderment. "What in the world is so funny?" I demanded, making him quickly sober up and look at me sheepishly.

"It's nothing, it's just that when we found your car, I could instantly tell that you were my mate by your scent, and the only thing that I could latch onto was the hope that you were a fighter. I guess I was right." He gave me a soft smile, but I was still looking up at him in bewilderment.

"My scent? Did my car really smell that bad?" I asked embarrassed, sending him into a fit of loud laughter. He had tears streaming down his face and he could barely breathe. "What is going on? Are you ok? I think I broke you!" I start freaking out, making him laugh even more.

After he finally calms down, he wraps me in his arms and brings me back into his chest. "You don't stink darling, not at all actually." He chuckles reassuringly.

"Then what do you mean?" I rack my brain trying to figure out what he could possibly mean.

"Werewolves have a heightened sense of smell, and the main thing that lets your wolf know that you have found your mate is their scent." He explained, still trying to hold back his laughter.

"Tell me more about werewolves," I demand and look at him expectantly.

"What do you want to know darling?"

"Start by telling me what a mate is," I suggest and immediately get concerned when I see how tense he has gotten.

"A mate is the one true pairing of a werewolf. There will only ever be the mate for the werewolf, and when werewolves mate they mate for life. You are my mate and we are destined to be together." He takes one look at my face, and knows that I don't believe a single word he is saying. "You have to believe me. You have to believe that we are destined to be together."

"I don't know if I can." With my words he desperately grabs my face and looks into my eyes.

"We are destined to be together. Fate brought us together, and I'll be damned if I let your disbelief tear us apart." 

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