26 - Maybe, Kind of, Sort of

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After a lot of strategic thinking and supply gathering, everyone's finally ready to storm the palace. The people are decked out in armor, holding pitchforks, javelins, and kitchen knives - for defense, though, not for fishing. There's a line by the door, and people dip their weaponry into small buckets of the chemical that breaks down ice; I'm not sure what it's called.

I lead the organized group of soldiers to the palace; we look pretty badass, if I do say so myself. We march up the stairs to the palace, and I push the doors open, strutting confidently through the throne room.

"Princess Sarah, you have exactly 4 seconds to-" I stop myself. The frozen Doctor still stands in the middle of the room, but there are arms draped around his neck; I hear sobs.

"Oh, please," someone shouts behind me. People start moving forward, raising their weapons defensively.

"No," I say, holding my arms out to stop them. "It's.... she isn't trying to trick us." Cautiously, I walk over to Sarah, my javelin raised defensively. As I walk around her and the frozen Doctor, my heart drops. She looks so pitiful.

"Sarah," I say quietly. I reach out my free hand to touch her shoulder comfortingly, but she rears back, sneering at me.

"Surprise, bitch!" Sarah flings her hand out, arching a flow of ice towards me just as I put my javelin straight up in front of me. The ice fans out around me - around the javelin. Smirking, I slide the javelin down quickly and tear through the left side of the ice; all of it dissolves into a vapor.

"Surprise, bitch," I say back at her. I slice my javelin towards her as the army charges, screaming. Sarah deflects my blow with a shot of ice. She points her hands down, and ice creates a bridge behind her. The princess runs up it, slowly pushing her hands from behind her to her sides; the ice she just finished walking over collects in front to complete the bridge.

Princess Sarah spins around, standing on a platform of ice just above her throne.

"You thought you could kill me?" she shouts angrily. "You thought you could be a hero?" The army of ice lords tosses a few javelins up at her; she easily aims her hand at one, turning it into a sharp shard of ice. As soon as she catches it, the ice melts off of it. Her triumphant smile drops for a split second. Then she grows a snarl and screams, throwing the javelin at me.

I don't have time to move, and I watch as the javelin spirals to me quickly. Suddenly, I'm being rammed into the ground by another body. The javelin hits the ground just behind us, cracking the ice. When the person who saved me helps me up, I realize it's the Doctor.

"D-Doctor," I stutter, eyes wide. Then I fling my arms around him in an embrace, and Sarah lets out a high pitched scream.

"That's supposed to be me," she says, raising her arm, ready to fire ice at me.

"No," the Doctor says, pushing me behind him. "You won't be hurting anyone anymore."

"And who's stopping me?!"

"I am," one of the soldiers say. My eyebrows knit together as I glance over and see someone remove a helmet. It's just an ordinary boy with messed up brown hair, and a few hairs on the bottom of his chin. Then I look over and realize Sarah's sneer has turned into a genuine smile.

"Louis," she says, her eyes sparkling. "How- I can't belie-" Sarah breathes heavily, wiping under her eyes. As she walks forward, ice moves in front of her to provide a path to the ground. It dissolves behind her as she walks along. They stand there, staring into each other's eyes for a moment, and then they push into each other in a strong embrace.

"What are you doing here?" she asks. He shrugs.

"It's a long story. But, the Doctor," Louis shoots the Doctor a quick wink before turning back to Sarah, "told me you maybe, kind of, sort of had a crush on me." He smirks, and Sarah's cheeks turn the color of blood.

"Maybe, kind of, sort of," she repeats, smiling. They giggle at each other.


Princess Sarah let go of her hostages, and John and Sherlock stand in front of their flat with the Doctor and I; Louis said that we'll be getting wedding invitations soon. Everything worked out according to plan - not really, but the plan was initially to save everyone, so...

"It was great seeing you again, Sherlock," the Doctor says, pulling Sherlock into a hug. The dark haired man frowns a bit, awkwardly patting the Doctor on the back.

"You too, Doctor," Sherlock replies, letting a smirk play out on his lips. The Doctor looks over and shakes John's hand.

"And it was nice meeting you, John."

"Same to you, Doctor," John says, smiling.

I step forward, hugging John. When I lean back to let go of him, he plants a kiss on my lips. "Until next time, yes?" he says to me hopefully. I nod, my facing feeling hot.

Then I sidestep in front of Sherlock, who's looking at me without emotion.

"Bye, Sherlock," I say, holding out a hand. He shakes my hand limply, and I smile. "Tell Mycroft I said hi."

Sherlock simply nods to me before turning to walk into 221b. John chuckles, and we hug again. He waves before walking back into the flat, closing the door behind me.

The Doctor sighs as he looks to me.

"What an adventure," he says, shoulders sagging.

"What an adventure," I agree. He smiles at me, tosses an arm around my shoulder, and we walk off towards the alleyway where the TARDIS is parked.

"How'd you get out of that ice?" I ask as he opens the TARDIS door for me.

"Louis," he says simply. The door shuts behind him as the both of us walk toward the console. "He freed me," the Doctor continues, turning a couple knobs. "They really, really deserve each other," he says, smiling down at the console. I can't help but smile as well. Then he walks over and hugs me again. When he turns away, I realize he's crying.

"Doctor," I say, walking to him. "Doctor, what is it?" I spin him around firmly, staring into his wet eyes. "Why are you crying?"

"It's nothing," he says, sniffing. I shake my head.

"Don't lie to me, Doctor."

"First rule," a seductive female voice says from behind me, "the Doctor lies."

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