6 - Talking to the TARDIS

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When I wake up, I'm in the TARDIS. It's still hard to get used to the fact that waking up somewhere unfamiliar isn't always going to mean bad things happened/are happening. I throw back the covers and stand up to stretch. As I arch my back, I glare at the wardrobe across the room. Of course, there's no reason to - there're just clothes in it - but I can't really help myself.

The TARDIS has done a glorious job of recognizing my style and putting clothes it knows I will like into a little wardrobe. However, when I open it, it's not that little. The rack can slide back and forth, and one time, I just sat there sliding it one way for the longest time.

I took out a collared violet button-up, a gray skater skirt with black tights, and gray sneaker wedges. In the mirror, I tried deciding whether the shirt should be tucked or untucked. Deciding it looked better that way, I tucked it in.

My wedges made soft noises on the metal of the staircase as I went to the controls. The Doctor is nowhere to be seen. Maybe he's still asleep. Honestly, I don't think he sleeps. If I had gone through what he's gone through in his life, I probably wouldn't sleep either.

I start talking to the TARDIS. "Are you a real person?"

There's no reply, so I just continue casually, "Does the Doctor, like, worship you or something?"

Letting out a sigh, I just shake my head. Talking to a TARDIS better not classify me as crazy. I take a seat and continue.

"So, uhm," I hesitate. "The Doctor really loves you, doesn't he? I think he's married - not to you, though. But, you already know that, so why am I saying it? He just.. deserves happiness. When I look in his eyes, I just see a gray green puddle of sadness. Or are his eyes blue? I think it depends on the light," I pause and nod, "It depends on the light... That's not the point, though, TARDIS. The Doctor needs someone he can spend time with; someone who cares for him like his wife does... His wife died," I say sadly. Looking down at my shoes, I bite my lower lip. "How could someone so sad be so open, and casual, and friendly, and... and..."

I stand up quickly and walk closer to the console, saying, "He needs somebody. How many times am I going to have to say it? Can't you take him to somebody who he can just.. spend forever with?! I'm sure he asks you that," I say, sitting back down sadly, "almost everyday."

"Good morning," I hear the Doctor's voice. My head snaps up, and I see him standing at the bottom of the staircase in his white button up, trousers, shoes in hand, and bow tie untied around his neck. He looks like he's been standing there for a while. Is it possible he teleported?

"Morning, Doctor," I say, trying to give him a smile. He eyes me, and then sits down to put on his shoes.

"So," he starts, "how'd you sleep?"

"Wonderfully," I respond, "and yourself?"

He just gives me a smirk and continues tying his shoes. Then he gets up with a jump and glances around the place, like he's lost something. "I feel like I'm forgetting something..."

I stand up and walk to him, tilting my head. "Maybe it's your bowtie," I say.

"Oh, right," he touches at his collarbone. The Doctor looks at me, asking politely, "Do you mind tying this for me? It's a little hard without a mirror."

I just nod and reach up for his bowtie. My face heats up a bit as I feel him staring at me. Is he trying to figure me out? There's not much to figure out, really.

"You know," he says, "you should get a bowtie, too. We could be bowtie buddies."

"No thank you," I grin. "Maybe a different time." I finish tying it with a light tug and smile to him, finding that he's smiling at me already.

"Alright," I say, "what's on the agenda for today?"

"Well," he runs around the console, "if you could go anywhere ever, where would it be?"

"A bright, colorful planet," I say, smiling still.

The Doctor starts flipping and pressing controls, saying, "My planet was bright and colorful." His voice is sad and regretful.

"Who destroyed it?" I lean back against the metal railing as I look to him.

"Me," he says. His eyes glisten. Then, he knits his eyebrows together, glancing at me curiously. He never said anything about his planet being destroyed, nor a person destroying it. There's silence.

"So, Mae, I was wondering if--" the Doctor starts.

The TARDIS crashes, flipping, sending the Doctor and me flying about. There's a lot of tumbling around, and I try to snatch something to hang onto. The stairs get closer to me, and I reach out for the railing. Slamming down head first into the stairs hard, I hear a screech. Before it all goes black, there's a slight rumble and then nothing.

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