4 - The Wardrobe

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I wake up, dazed. Slowly, I pry open my eyes. It appears I'm naked; and I'm on a metal table, like one at the veterinarian's... Also, I'm strapped down. Roughly, I strain against the strap across my chest and on my wrists. Doing my best, I calm my breaths down - I'm very close to a panic attack.

My breaths are controlled, and I close my eyes for a moment. Then, I open them again. Squeezing my left hand into itself, I tug up towards my head. The straps aren't very well done, and I manage to pull my hand out. I almost dislocated my thumb. It's very clear an incompetent person - Bill - did this. Which means it will be easy to get out after just one hand has been done. Bending my head and left hand towards each other, I take a bobby pin from holding my "bangs" back. They aren't really bangs; I'm just really bad at cutting my own hair.

After a lot of struggling and bobby pin twisting, I manage to free myself. My body shivers as I push myself up into a sitting position, staring around the room. All I see are wardrobes. How odd. Quickly, I snatch up a lab coat that's laid across an end table, right beside the longer one that I was on. As I wrap myself up in it, I look back at the wardrobes. Hopefully, they aren't locked. I take my chance and step forward to one. It's tall, made of worn oak wood. The door creaks as I open it, and I glance quickly at the door. It's closed, thankfully. Looking back at the inside of the wardrobe, I narrow my eyes and frown.

There are hangers, of course. But there seem to be thick clothes inside of a black clothes slip - like one you'd see at a dry cleaner's. Pushing back one, I notice they have name tags on them. This one reads Caroline Sessums.... I know that name. Caroline was my neighbor; she mysteriously stopped coming outside to water her plants. Why's her name on here?

Attempting to answer my question, I start to unzip the covering. The zipper gets caught on hair. Biting my lip in concentration, I try unzipping it again and open up the covering completely. On the hanger is a body suit - an actual body made into suit form. It's a suit that's a body. It's a body suit. It takes me a while to realize my jaw's hanging open.

"Aren't they so organized?" Bill remarks, leaning against the doorway. I keep my eyes on him as I close the wardrobe. Again, I have to focus on controlling my breaths.

Then, I take in my surroundings. Metal tables, everywhere; there's surgery equipment on a smaller table about an arm's length away from me. There are also lab coats and aprons hanging on the wall behind me. If I could get to the table with the surgical equipment...

These thoughts go by in literally a second, and Bill leans out the doorway to check if anyone's coming. When he does that, I snatch up a scalpel. Closing the door behind him as he steps in, Bill smiles menacingly at me. So, I tilt my head and smile back. I keep the scalpel close to my side, concealed.

Walking closer to him, I say, "You really didn't have to strap me down, you know. I would've done whatever you asked." 

Once I'm about two small steps away from him, I reach for my collar. He follows my hand, and I shove the scalpel through his arm. Bill screams in pain. In another quick motion, I take his baton and hit him across the head. He goes down, like I did. Checking out the window of the door cautiously, I put the baton in the pocket of the lab coat. I drag Bill's body under a metal table, across the room.

Thinking quickly, I open one of the wardrobes. My plan is to find someone who looks like me and dress in their clothes. I have a background in acting, so this shouldn't be very hard.

With some thorough searching, I find someone who looks like me. Lydia Shae. Her clothes are just my style, so that makes this a little easier. Struggling, I take her hollow, flattened body and lay it out on the nearest metal table. Hastily, I remove her clothes and put them on my own body. Then I do my hair how her's is. She's a full blonde - probably a fake blonde, too - but they shouldn't notice.

Cautiously, I walk out of the door. Picking a direction, I walk quickly. Then, I see someone round the corner. He smiles at me, so I smile back. No doubt it's a Slitheen in disguise.

"Hello, sister," he says, "Did you hear we captured the Doctor and one of his companions?" He sounds giddy. The Doctor must not be that easy to catch.

I grin and nod, "Yes, brother! I'm delighted! If you don't mind, could you point me to where he is? I'd like to witness this for myself." The man points back the way he came and instructs I take a left and keep going until I see double doors on my right. I nod my thanks and go that way.

Along the way, I don't encounter anyone else. Finally, I arrive to a set of double doors on my right. They're tall and made of a blue steel. Silently, I push them open and enter the room. The first the I notice is that it much resembles a stadium - not in size, though. Tall bleachers surround me and line every wall. Every single seat is filled, it seems. When I'm done taking in what's around me, I stare at what's in front of me.

The bleachers surround a man who hangs off of the floor, suspended a few feet up by chains which hold his arms straight out from his sides; his feet are in cuffs. This man is the Doctor.

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