5 - An Escape Route

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My eyes squint, and I am suddenly, ferociously, determined to get him - and myself - out of this mess. Quietly, I take a seat on the edge of the front row. I examine the room and try to figure out an escape route.

There are about 2-3 hundred Slitheen in here. One of them - I'm assuming he's the king - stands on a platform before the Doctor. The platform has about 7 steps; it's metal, and sturdy. Beside the man, there is a small table, much like the one I saw in the Wardrobe Room. It holds surgical instruments. And a sonic screwdriver.

The man is middle-aged. He seems to have been scrutinizing the Doctor when I entered. However, I don't think it was in a judgemental way. It was more with a hungry stare.

"Well, well, well," the man's voice echoes. His voice is low and sends chills up my spine. "We finally have the Doctor, real and in the flesh." With this, everyone applauds. Instinctively, I clap along.

"I can't wait to wear you myself," he says, the corners of his lips slowly curling into a smile.

The Doctor rolls his head back and around. Then he stares hard at the Slitheen man, his eyes brimming with disgust. "You still haven't answered my questions," he pouts.

The man delicately folds his arms, "Right," - he pauses -, "first answer: she is a smart cookie that we would be able to use better if she were alive; second answer: why not? Plus, I have a reputation to defend; and third answer: I am King Sereptin Slitheekin."

Are they talking about me? With the first answer, that is. The other questions I wouldn't be able to begin trying to figure out those.

The king continues, "On with the cutting, then!"

Suddenly, the air is tense with excitement. King Sereptin raises a scalpel to the Doctor's chest, just below his scared face. Poor man; he must be trying so hard to hide his feelings.


I don't remember standing or wanting to talk, or talking. But it doesn't matter, because all eyes are on me now.

"Photo op?" I ask him with a smirk. With a glance to the Doctor, I notice he's staring at me like I'm crazy. He recognizes me, though, I just know it.

There's a booming laugh from the king. "Ah, yes, I would like to scrapbook this!"

Everyone takes out objects, which I assume are alien cameras - safe to use alien cameras, that is. I, however, pull out a camera that I found on the TARDIS. It's alien, of course, but it is not at all safe. The Doctor told me that when the flash is on, and it flashes, it could blind an entire room temporarily.

I give a wink to the Doctor and raise the camera to my face. Making sure his eyes are closed, I turn on the flash. Then, I close my own eyes. Click.

Through my eyelids, I notice a sudden light fill the room and squeeze my eyes tighter. All I hear are screams and confusion. I open my eyes.

Quickly, I move for the platform. I take 3 steps at a time, which is easy because of my long legs. When I bounce onto the platform itself, I give the king a playful push, and he falls. In a swift motion, I take the sonic screwdriver and sonic the Doctor from his chains. We take each other's hands and rush out of the room.

After running for about 5 seconds, I slide to a stop.

The Doctor stumbles to a stop a few paces in front of me and turns yelling, "What is it?!"

In a great breath I say, "You're only in your boxers, Doctor."

He just rolls his eyes, "It doesn't matter; come on!"

Taking my hand again, he pulls me along more hallways. Then we jump through a door, and I notice it's the storage closet.

"Are we going to end up here a lot?" I ask him, pointing down, so he knows I'm referring to storage closets. This happened the first time I met the TARDIS.

He grins and shrugs, saying, "Don't know."

The Doctor pushes open the door for me, and we walk in.

Mae and The DoctorDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora