I did not expect that

Start from the beginning

I grabbed Ron and Harry's arms and pulled them out of the cell with me. I considered making a run for it until I felt something sharp dig into my back. "Do not move." One of the transparent people said in an emotionless voice. "Or it will not end well for your pretty little face."

I swallowed and nodded, releasing Harry and Ron as the people slammed the cell door shut. They drifted past us, floating down a long, dimly lit hallway. I glanced at my friends, and Harry muttered "They're probably taking us to meet this unknown person we've been trying to find. And hopefully to Percy, too."

"Just hope we don't get killed." Ron sighed as we all followed the two transparent people. The hallway opened up into a giant room that was much more brightly lit than the hallway. Torches blazed from racks attached to the wall, and in the middle of the room sat a throne made out of polished rock. A.... woman was sitting on it, sneering at us. She had long, beautiful black hair and dark brown eyes. She wore the usual clothing wizards wear, which was a set of white robes.

My eyes immediately honed in on a large cage that sat beside the woman. Inside, with his hands shackled to the bars of the cage, was Percy. He was still unconscious.

"PERCY!" We all yelled in sync, and as I started towards the cage, the two transparent guards stepped in front of us with weapons drawn. "Not another step." They hissed.

I glared at the woman, who laughed and waved a hand. The guards bowed as they moved aside as the woman stood from her throne. "Why, so you've decided to join young Perseus on this quest. So utterly foolish."

I clenched my fists. "What do you want with him? You kidnapped his parents and took them here, obviously using them as bait because you knew Percy would rescue them."

"Of course I did. Now, what I want with him.... There's many things that I want." The woman moved down from her throne to stand in front of us, her brown eyes steely cold. "Perhaps since I had heard all the wonderful heroic tales of the son of Poseidon, maybe I wanted to see for myself. And, I am so dreadfully lonely. I think I'll keep him here."

"You are not keeping Percy here, you sick bastard!" Harry yelled. The woman narrowed her eyes and hissed "Harry Potter, the supposed savior of the wizarding world."

Harry glared at the woman and pointed at Percy. "Let him go."

The woman threw back her head and laughed. "I do not think so, young boy. You all are not going to escape from here."

Ron's eyes flashed furiously and he took a step towards the woman. But before either of them could do anything, a familiar voice yelled "ASSHOLE!"

The woman turned in surprise, and I saw that Percy was awake, his green eyes glaring fiercely at the woman. "Where is my family, bitch?" He growled, and the ground underneath us shuddered. I knew what was happening. In Percy's anger, he was using his father's powers.

"Percy, stop! You're going to make the whole ceiling collapse and we'll be dead!" I shouted at him.

Percy's glare intensified, but the ground stopped shaking. He rose to a knee and pulled angrily at the chains trapping his wrists. "I'm not going to ask again, witch. Where. Is. My. Family?"

The woman frowned, but she clapped her hands. The ground directly in front of Percy opened, and two motionless bodies appeared from the ground. My heart raced in fear as I stared at one of the bodies. Voldemort.

Harry stared at Voldemort as well, and his hand inched towards his wand. Percy was too busy looking at his mother to notice anything.

"What did you do to them?" He growled at the woman. "I swear to gods if you hurt them...."

"They are fine. They are merely under a sleeping spell. You should be more concerned about yourself, Perseus." The woman flashed extremely white teeth at us as she stalked towards Percy, who glowered at her. "Get away from me." He spat, but then the woman was suddenly beside him, her face pressed right against the bars of the cage. "I think not. You see......"

Her hand reached out, and knowing that Percy was unable to do anything, she touched his cheek. He tried to turn his head, but the woman grabbed his face and smiled. "Such handsome features. Oh, we're going to have so much fun."

She looked at the two guards and ordered "Bring all of them back into the cage, including these two. I have no use for them since I have what I want." Percy locked eyes with me, and I could tell that he was terrified. But he mouthed "I'll be fine. Find a way to get out of here."

I bit my lip but nodded as the two guards transformed into a more solid shape, bending down and picking up Percy's mother and grandfather before turning and looking silently at us. I grabbed Ron and Harry and we all walked down the hallway, leaving Percy alone with the woman.

We still didn't even get her name.

Word count: 1593

Thank you for all the support I have gotten on this book.

I went from 1000 reads to 2000 reads in a day. Thank you!

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