Chapter 6 - Spilt Coffee = Disasters

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Chapter 6 - Spilt Coffee = Disasters

Soon we were out of the hotel and on our way to Star Academy. We were walking on the busy streets of California. I didn't mind about all the people that was pushing and shoving me as long as Cece wasn't hurt.

Then suddenly a man ran straight into Cece. They both fell down, and then the man just jumped up and scurried away without saying sorry.

I looked at Cece and sighed when I saw her knee had been cut. I turned around and shouted at the man who was still running.

"Watch where you're going next time, you over-loaded carrier bag!" I shouted. Okay, maybe the last part wasn't necessary, but I enjoyed saying it anyway! Plus, he'd made my little sister cry, and no-one made her cry except me.

That came out wrong.

I ignored the stares and glares I was getting and helped Cece get up.

"I want mummy!" She whined. I shook my head and helped her stand up.

"If we tell mummy what happened she'll get really angry and make us stay inside the hotel. You don't want that, do you?" I said. She shook her head sadly.

"It's okay, I'll clean up the cut and I'll get a bandage, okay?" I told her. She nodded and smiled. I bent down; she hopped on my back and kept her arms around my neck.

I took Cece into a public toilet where I used a bit of wet toilet paper to wipe away the blood from her cut. Luckily it wasn't deep but it was long. 

I got a bandage and wrapped it around Cece's leg. Then we walked to Star Academy. Soon we arrived and I looked at the time. It was 2:00. Today the crowd wasn't as big which made it easier for me and Cece to get through.

The headmaster was at the entrance with some other people. He said into a microphone:

"Good afternoon everyone! I'm glad to say that we can start the tour now. Just follow me please!" He said, and walked into Star Academy.

I grabbed Cece's hand and the crowd followed him inside. He showed us all the classrooms, the gyms, which was massive, where all the sports equipment was and other cool things. 


Soon it was the end of the tour and me and Cece was walking on the streets. Cece was looking at the floor while walking with a sad expression on her face. I asked her what was wrong, and she looked up at me with the cutest puppy dog face ever then said:

"I'm really hungry, could we please get something to eat?" She asked. I sighed.

"You know mum will go bonkers if she found out we had McDonald's again." I told her.

"Then call her." Was Cece's brilliant idea. I sighed in frustration.

"I left my phone at home." I said. She considered this then said:

"Well, you could ask a nice stranger, I'm sure they'll lend you there phone for a minute or something. If I was the nice stranger I wouldn't because the person who wanted my phone wouldn't know if I was nice or not, I could secretly be a ninja, and my real name could be Honey but they wouldn't now that, would they? Anyway . . . ."

Ladies and gentleman, my sister Cece.

I just grabbed her hand and dragged her to a random shop, ignoring her talking about being a secret ninja called Honey or something. I bought some cookies and as soon as we were outside again I shoved one in her mouth to shut her up. It worked so I took some cookies and gave her the rest of them. For the rest of the walk to the hotel she was actually quiet.

Thank you, chocolate-chip cookies.


We walked into our room to find our mum sitting on the sofa, reading a magazine and drinking coffee. She looked up when we walked in, kept her coffee and magazine down then ran to Cece and hugged her. Then she patted my head.

"Woof, woof." I said sarcastically. She ignored me and started fussing over Cece's wound. She gently took of the bandage and tutted when she saw the cut.

"Next time, when Cece gets hurt don't try and clean up the cut." She told me, then turned back to Cece.

 When she wasn't looking I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue at her. I thought I did a pretty good job with Cece's wound. Anyway, it's not like she was a doctor or anything.

While mum was fussing over Cece I just sat on the sofa and started reading mums magazine. After like, 30 seconds I got bored and threw it on the floor. My mum glared at me so I quickly picked it up and kept it on the sofa again.

Unfortunately, I didn't look where I kept it so the magazine fell on the coffee and the coffee spilled all over . . . . My mum.

Let's just say if looks could kill, I wouldn't be there.

It was just the fear of going to prison that was keeping my mum from strangling me. Also the hot liquid that was starting to go on the wooden floor. 

"Unique." My mum hissed. Uh-oh. 

"Get me some napkins please." She said, through gritted teeth. Even when she was angry she still used her manners. Amazing.

Anyway, I quickly stood up; knocking the cup the coffee was in on my mum in the process. Me and my clumsy ways. I took 5 napkins and gave them to my mum. She started to clean the floor. 

Big mistake. 

The coffee just smeared all over the place, making it worse. 

My mum sighed, looking exhausted. She looked at me, glaring.

"Remind me to never leave you alone with hot liquid." She said, and then stormed out of the room. Me and Cece looked at each other, and then burst out laughing.

Who knew coffee could cause such a disaster?



So, chapter 6 is here! Hopefully it's longer, at least 2 pages. Please ignore any mistakes, vote, comment and share!


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