Chapter 3 - The Judgmental People In California

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Chapter 3 - The Judgmental People In California

Saturday came so quickly. One minute I was sitting on my bed, texting my friends before I knew it, I was in the airport, ready to board the airplane that took us to California! My mum made us wake up really early, so I was planning on having a nap on the plane ride.


Soon we were on board. Cece sat next to my mum while strangely, I was on my own. I expected a stranger to sit next to me but maybe they'd missed the flight or there was just an extra seat. Not wanting to dwell on it, I decided to watch some movies on the mini TV that everyone had, but after a while I became bored and started to listen to some music. I plugged my ear buds in and looked for a nice song to listen to as I fell asleep.

(Seven hours later)

"Wake up Unique! It's time to visit your new school!" Cece shouted in my ear. I opened my eyes and took in my surroundings, recognizing the hotel we were staying in.

After an hour or so of going through security and trying to get a taxi to take us to the nearest hotel, we'd finally arrived and I'd decided to take another nap.

"Where is mum?" I asked Cece.

"She just told me she had important things to do and that I needed to wake you up because you needed to see your new school." She answered.

"Right. Well, I'm sure my new school can wait. How about we see some of Los Angeles?"

"But mum said that we can't go anywhere else without her permission." Cece told me. I took my phone and dialled her number. After three rings she answered.

"What is it Unique? I'm in the middle of doing something very important. I hope for your sake this is relevant or I will-"

"Relax, mum!" I said, interrupting her.

"I was just wondering if Cece and I could walk around Los Angeles instead of going to my school." I asked her. She sighed.

"Alright, but I'm coming home in two hours. If you're not there I will call the police." She said, and without waiting for my reply, hung up.

"Are you ready to explore Los Angeles?" I asked her, grinning. She nodded her head eagerly.

"Let's go!" I said, grabbed Cece's coat, and then dragged us out of the hotel and into the busy streets.


I looked at my watch. 3:00pm. I sighed. I honestly didn't know where to go. I knew some things about California, but my knowledge wouldn't be helpful. This wasn't New York.

"Where should we go?" Cece asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know, where do you want to go?" I asked her. She shrugged, thinking.

"Wait, I have an idea! Mum said you should see your new Boarding School, right? So why don't we go there?" She suggested. I sighed. I was hoping she wouldn't say that.

"Fine, we'll go there." I muttered. I brought out my phone and texted my mum.

Me: Hey mum, could you give me the address to my boarding school please?

After a few minutes she replied.

Mother: Why do you want it? Where are you with Cece? What are you doing?

I replied with:

Me: We want to see my Boarding School. We need the address to get there.

Mother: Fine, but don't cause any trouble, okay?

Me: Not promising anything... ;)

I waited for her to text me the address. After five minutes she didn't reply, so I decided to ask a passerby.

I walked up to a man, dragging Cece with me. He was tapping his phone, all his attention on it. I gently tapped his shoulder, and he looked up, frowning at me.

"Excuse me; do you know where Star Academy is? I was told it's around this area, and I need some directions." I told him. He stared at me.

"What would you be doing at a school like that? I mean, look at you!" He answered, pointing at my outfit. I glared at him. Who did he think he was to judge me by what I was wearing? Did he know who my mum was?

Not like that would make a difference or anything.

And okay, my faded purple T-shirt, ripped jeans and worn out converses weren't very attractive, but I had to be comfortable!

"I didn't ask for your opinion on my choice of clothing, I asked for directions to Star Academy." I replied slowly, as if I was talking to a toddler.

"I don't like your attitude, young lady!" He said. Who did he think he was, my mother?

"Well I'm certain your mother wouldn't be happy with your behaviour!" He retorted, his voice rising. Did I say that out loud? Whoops.

"You're the one who's judging me without even knowing me! I don't give a flying duck about what you, a stranger, think about me!" I exclaimed.

"Actually, it's a flying fu-" Someone from the crowd that had formed tried to point out. But I quickly cut him off.

"Children here!" I shouted before they could finish their sentence. I turned back to look at the man.

"So, now I'm going to find someone who's nice enough to tell me where Star Academy is without judging me!" I snapped, and turned away. I started walking away with Cece then someone shouted from the crowd:

"If you're looking for Star Academy, just keep on walking until you find three trees that are next to each other. Then turn left, keep walking and you'll see it!" Someone said.

I shouted 'thank you' into the crowd and received a few 'your welcomes' back.

Okay then.

Cece and I started to follow the directions the person gave me. Star Academy, here I come! You know, people in Los Angeles can be so judgmental.


So, there's chapter 3! I hope you enjoyed reading it! Please ignore any mistakes that you might find in this chapter. Chapter 4 will be coming soon!

Until then, enjoy the rest of the week! :)

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