Chapter 29 - Not Everything Went My Way

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Chapter 29 – Not Everything Went My Way

The doctors said I could be discharged soon. I didn't know what they meant by soon, but I hoped it was soon.

Did that make sense?

I was told that I was making lots of progress, the wound on my head was very nearly healed and so was my ankle. In fact, they'd already taken the bandage and I only had a slight limp when I walked. I was told to not put so much pressure on it and to stay in bed but sometimes, when I was feeling bored; I'd close the curtains and walk around the place I stayed.

Once I was caught by a nurse. She was watching me through the crack in the curtains. After a few minutes she pulled them open and asked me what I was doing, but she didn't know that I already knew she was watching me, so I retorted with 'just walking around. What about you?' and before she could reply I said 'oh... No wait, you were watching me through the curtains.'

Her mouth dropped open, and then she crossed her arms and regained her posture. "I don't see how that's a problem. Since I am your nurse, I'm supposed to look after you." She said stiffly.

"Well, next time you could do it less... Creepy, maybe?" I replied sweetly.

Damn, I was so disrespectful. 

She nodded and left, leaving me to carry on walking in peace, until the curtains were drawn open again.

"Hello, what do you want for breakfast?" The cook asked, pushing her tray closer.

"Um, white toast with butter would be fine, thanks."  I said politely and she nodded, smiled and then left.

The hospital timetable was quite weird. Breakfast was at nine o'clock and the sad thing was that if you were still asleep they'd leave you, unless you ordered the same thing all the time. Also, dinner was around five, and there were pretty good options. When I first found out I'd have to wait eight hours to eat a decent meal, (they did bring around snacks) I was horrified. The doctors did their round around ten, and the visits were usually ten minutes or more, depending on what they were doing. Also, I was practically forced to go to the hospital school, which was filled with ten year olds and younger.

So, to sum it all up, I couldn't wait to leave.

"Unique!" I heard a voice call and I looked up to see the curtains being drawn open and my mum stepping in.  I sighed as she took in the situation, getting ready for the shouting.

"Do you want to stay here longer? You're not supposed to put stress on your ankle, let it heal is what Doctor Lane said!" She exclaimed and I sat down on the bed.

"Yes, well, I can't just sit around all day! I need to keep my fitness levels up!" I retorted and she rolled her eyes.

"Well, that isn't your concern at the moment. You can do exercise once you get out of the hospital!" She said and sat in a chair, rubbing her eyes.

I looked at my mum. As in really looked at her.

Her skin wasn't glowing like it used to, when she removed her hand from her face I could see dark circles around her eyes and even though there was nothing wrong with what she was wearing there were a few wrinkles here and there which was quite unlike her.

I realised that I was being really selfish and inconsiderate. Ever since I'd been in the hospital I hadn't been the happiest person to be around, constantly snapping at everyone for no reason.

First my mum, and then Hannah. I couldn't lose someone else important to me.

As much as I wanted to contact Hannah and tell her I was sorry, the stubborn, proud part of me stopped me, thinking that it was her fault anyway. Obviously what I was telling her was really important to me, something I hadn't told anyone else and she just laughed in my face!

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