Chapter 4 - Star Academy Speeches Are Boring

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Chapter 4 - Star Academy Speeches Are Boring

Cece and I kept on walking until we reached the place where the person had described. There were three trees next to each other. So now we had to go left and soon we'd be there! We kept on walking and reached a place where a crowd was forming. Was this Star Academy? I grabbed Cece's hand and we made our way through the crowd.

I had the hard job, pushing and shoving while Cece just tagged along behind me. Soon we were at the front of the crowd and that's when I saw Star Academy up close. It was even bigger then I imagined!

The head master, (it could have been him) was standing at the entrance, microphone in hand, saying a speech. He was saying something about being happy to re-open Star Academy, how he was excited to see the students and blah blah blah.

I looked at my watch, 4:00pm. Mum was going to be home in an hour. Wasn't the man going to show us around Star Academy? I didn't want to wander around, not knowing where to go on my first day! Suddenly, I had an idea.

I looked at Cece. "Stay here and don't go anywhere. If you do, I'll hunt you down, chop you up and eat you for dinner." I told her. She nodded, looking frightened.

Wasn't I a great sister?

I walked away from Cece, looking for a piece of paper and a pen or pencil. When I couldn't find one I decided I had to use the crumpled up paper in my pocket and my blue highlighter. 

I wrote on the piece of paper, 'When are you going to show us around Star Academy?'. I walked up to the head master confidently. When he didn't stop speaking or even look at me, I clapped my hands loudly in front of his face.

"Excuse me, but who are you?" He asked rudely. I shoved the paper in front of his face. If you're rude to me, I'm rude to you. I covered my face with my hair.

"This is a message from one of the many parents here. They have their children with them who want to see the school and not listen to a boring speech." I said, making my voice higher. I was going to the school, so he could recognize me when I was there.

He snatched the paper out of my hand and read it. After reading it he muttered, 'thank you' to me then handed the paper back. I kept it in my pocket and walked back to the spot where Cece was meant to be. I found her standing there with wide eyes. I clicked my fingers in front of her face.

"What happened? What did the paper say? Why couldn't I come with you?" She asked. I was about to reply but I was interrupted by the head master.

"Parents and children, I've been told you you've been expecting a tour around the school," He started. I cheered loudly.

"Well, I'm sure it could be arranged. We'll be ready in 15 minutes." He said, and walked into the building. I looked at my watch, 4:30! He expected us to wait for 15 minutes? The walk to Star Academy took 10 minutes and judging by the size of the school, the tour would take over an hour!

I turned to look at Cece, who had an excited look on her face. "I can't wait to see inside Star Academy! It's so big!" She said. I sighed.

"Cece, I'm sorry but we can't stay for the tour. Mother will be back at 5:00 and it's 4:30! The walk here took long enough and the tour will take over an hour!" I explained. When I saw her expression I quickly added, "But we can get something ton eat on our way back!" She smiled and nodded. 

I took her hand and we started to make our way through the crowd again. Soon we were on the streets again, and I looked at my watch. 4:45pm. I dragged Cece to the nearest restaurant, McDonald's. I walked up to the counter and ordered 6 happy meals. I ate three and Cece ate three.

After we'd finished eating, we walked back to our hotel. When we was inside our room I looked at my watch, 5:00pm. For the first time in forever I was earlier then my mum! Well, technically she wasn't late because it wasn't 5:01 yet. Only ten more seconds though  . . . . 

Just when I was about to start celebrating, my mum came in, and 2 seconds later it was 5:01. I groaned and jumped on my bed and lay there on my back.

"So, did you have fun at Star Academy?" She asked. I glared at her.

"No, we didn't because we didn't have enough time to stay there for the tour. You decided that we had to be back in this hotel by 5, so here we are!" I told her. She crossed my arms and gave me a stern look.

"Don't give me attitude, young lady. I'm not in the mood for that type of behavior." She said. I rolled my eyes in return, not saying anything.

"So, what were you doing anyway that was so important?" I asked her. She turned to look at me with a smile on her face.

"Looking for a new house of course." She told me. As if happy with my surprised expression she added.

"You didn't think we're going to stay in this hotel forever, did you?" She asked. I shook my head.

"No, it's just that we've just moved here. Isn't it a bit too soon for you to start looking for a house already?" I said. She shook her head, the smile disappearing. 

After all, this is my mum we're talking about. She didn't smile often, unless it was an evil one.

"What you have to learn Unique, is that nothing in life is too soon as long as it's important and you have to do it." She told me. I knew she wasn't just talking about the house. Was she . . . . .

No, I shook those thoughts out of my head. I couldn't focus on the past; I had to focus on the present.  My mum suddenly clapped her hands.

"All right, who's ready for some pasta?" My mum asked, looking at Cece and me. I was still full from the McDonald's, and I was sure Cece was too. But how would we, or should I say I, explain to my mum that'd we'd already eaten, from a fast food restraurant?

Let's just hope luck's on our side or there would be a lot of shouting tonight . . . . Hey, that rhymed! 


So, here's chapter 4! I hope you've enjoyed reading it. Please ignore any mistakes, chapter 5 will be coming soon! Oh, and please check out my other book, 'Pranking The Playboy'.

Be kind! :)

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