But first let me take a selfie

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I started jumping up and down slightly, the excitement rising in me. My eyes wide, I looked out of the window, seeing the city pass by rather quickly. Feeling two arms snake around my waist, a smile crept onto my face, an even bigger than before, and I turned around to face none other than Jack himself.

“How long?” I asked smiling.

“About ten minutes” Jack smiled, swaying us slightly. I closed my eyes and sighed happily.

“I'm so excited” I squealed, making Jack laugh.

I got out of his grip and ran towards the bunk we shared, getting my phone and clicking on the instagram app.

Turning on the camera, I made sure that Jack was seen on the picture, smiling my biggest toothy grin, pulling the sides of my mouth up and widening my eyes, while Jack crossed his eyes and stuck his tongue out.

I didn't bother to change the filter and went straight to the caption.


Before sending it off and throwing my phone back. Walking into the kitchen, I grabbed a can of monster, opening it and taking a few gulps.

Though I loved energy drinks, I never really loved Monster. Sure, they had amazing flavours, but my heart beat for Rockstar. Sighing, I walked into the back of the bus again, joining all the others and sitting down in between Jack's legs.

We were driving the last few minutes and my heart rate was picking up. Not just because of the energy drink, but also because I haven't seen the others for quite a while. I knew it would be amazing to be on tour with them again. Just as I was about to get up, the bus came to an abrupt halt, making me fall back on the sofa, making Jack and Alice laugh.

I flipped both of them off, laughing as well, before realizing:

We were there. We were actually there!

My eyes widen and I threw the can into a random direction, running to the entrance of the bus, nearly knocking Matt over on the way and bumped into the door several times, since it wouldn't open. Finally, I managed to get out and ran towards the venue, trying not to run over Of Mice's tech guys.

When getting to the venue, a tall man stood in front of me, making me gulp loudly.

“How may I help you?” He asked, his voice deep and emotionless.

“Fuck I forgot my backstage pass... BE RIGHT BACK!” I yelled, already on my way back to the bus. Bumping into Matt once again I thanked him when he handed me my pass, and ran towards the back entrance again.

“Hey!” I laughed, out of breath, showing him my pass.

He nodded and let me in, telling me the directions. After finally arriving in front of their dressing room, I took some deep breathes, straightening my clothes out.

I knocked softly on the door, hearing a bit of rumbling, before the door swung open, making me face with a topless Austin who had his side turned to me, while he was yelling something at the others.

I smiled and waited for him to turn around, while he ordered the others what to do and how.

Finally, after a few moments, he turned around and looked down to me, his laugh being replaced with happiness and shock.

“JAY!” He yelled, enveloping me into a tight hug, making me struggle to take deep breathes.

“Austin... AIR!” I breathed out, laughing when he let go but still held my shoulders. “Jesus calm down! You've seen me just a month ago!” I laughed, looking at him.

Thanks to you ~ A Jack Barakat FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora