Chapter Twenty-Seven- Pain and Panic

Start from the beginning

"What was that about?" I quietly asked, falling back to sit on the hard floor.

Samuel turned to face me, taking in my ragged state. He shrugged his shoulders in response, not bothering to say anything. I watched him carefully as he started picking up the various things that littered the small room, piling them into bags he pulled from the back. As he worked, all evidence of us spending the night was gradually disappearing. 

A few silent minutes passed and I could tell Samuel was listening to the conversation happening outside. His face was twisted in concentration and though he continued packing our belongings, he was distracted. I waited for him to become fully immersed in their conversation before I tensed my muscles, ready to try and stand. I knew from the start it would be difficult, and I didn't want Samuel hovering over me while I made the attempt. I was too stubborn and prideful to admit I needed help, anyway.

Of course, I failed miserably. My legs gave out and I stumbled to the side, catching my weight on my bad wrist. A mangled cry left my mouth, immediately notifying Samuel of my failed attempt. I desperately tried to readjust myself and play it off, but Samuel was by my side in an instant. He quickly pulled me up from the ground and led me to the small seat of the window sill. I leaned against it, half sitting and breathing heavily, as Samuel regarded me with concern. 

"You're not looking good," he mumbled, almost to himself. 

"Thanks," I muttered. I rolled my eyes before bringing my gaze to the floor. He didn't even know the half of it. I shifted under his intense stare as both of my hands went absently to my side. They'd grow accustomed to resting there, always attempting to ease the constant burning of the gunshot. Samuel followed my motion, his eyes narrowing in on my wound. 

"We'll get that taken care of when we get back."

I stayed silent, not really believing him. If anything waited for me back home, it was more pain.

Samuel started to say something, but he was quickly cut off when the door opened. Riley walked through, glancing at the two of us before running his gaze around the room. 

"Bray is pulling the car up now," he stated. 

Samuel sprang into action, picking up the large backpacks that now scattered the floor. Riley helped him with a few, not bothering to acknowledge me. They both left the room for a minute and I began to wonder if I was expected to follow. Just as I was gathering my strength to walk, Samuel came back in. He held out his hands and stepped towards me. Knowing I had no other options, I took one of his arms in both of my hands, gripping tightly for support. He brought his other arm around my waist, supporting the weight I couldn't manage. Then slowly, he led me out of the house. 

It was a beautiful morning, and that was an understatement. The trees seemed to glisten with morning dew as rays of sunlight broke through their thick branches. The grass was slightly wet and bright green, with small clumps of weeded flowers scattered to the treeline. From there, they broke off and crept up the rough bark of the trees, molding the scenery into one perfect portrait. 

I didn't get too long to admire the rare sight before Riley was in front of us, ruining my perfect moment with his red eyes and wide smirk. I tried to hold back a sigh, but it seemed he was too preoccupied to notice any resentment on my part. He regarded Samuel with pursed lips, an unvoiced thought lingering there. 

"Payton's bringing the truck," he finally spoke, his words coming out slow and careful.

Samuel nodded, understanding flashing across his face. Before he could respond though, Riley spoke again. 

"He's got a load in the back," he stressed. "What I asked him to grab."

Samuel scrunched his face in confusion, watching Riley carefully. I mimicked his actions, noticing Riley's unusually cryptic words. However, after a moment, understanding dawned on Samuel. He was silent, furrowing his eyebrows in concentration. Samuel's eyes darted to mine for a quick moment as he finally responded. 

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