Wendy + Jungkook ( Troublemaker vs Goodie ? )

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"Hi Rosé ! What are you up to?"

Wendy Son , I'm a lively person .. I never hold a grudge on anyone .. I love to make lots of friends ..  not until I met the troublemaker ; Jeon Jungkook..

I was walking down the hallway with my new schedule , heading to my class to present myself towards my classroom teacher and classmates .. But I got pinned on the wall...

"Oi ! let me go !"

"What are you doing here Ms Wendy ?"

I groaned and pushed him away from me .. He responded by chuckling ..

"Can you stop following me ? I got transfered here .. and now you're here too? huh unbelievable" I flash him a smile..

"For your information jeon jungkook" I dusted my uniform and looked at him before continuing .. "we're engaged.. " he clenched his jaw .. "don't remind me of our parents stupid idea !" exclaimed him ..

"And I'm here because of them too.. don't get too full of yourself jeon .." I grinned and walked away .. but jungkook kept on following till we ended up bumping onto one of the teachers there .. I greeted her while jungkook plastered his poker face

"oh ? jungkook? are you showing Ms Son around ? How good of you !" I turned to look at him and he just groaned , but nodded at the same time .. "Great then ! welcome to this school Wendy ~ " I giggled and thanked her before pulling jungkook away .. we kept on arguing while he tours me around ..

"Where was the cafeteria again ?"

"why do you forget so easily ? ugh "

"but I didn't forget you though" I said with a wink.. jungkook blushed but he tried so hard hiding it..

"Awww you're so cute ~ the school's bad boy is blushing aigoo ~~"

"can you shut up and keep on walking?"

that's how it all happened .. Everyone didn't know that we were engaged .. we legit kept it low key .. the reason why I'm here is because our parents wanted me to keep an eye on him .. I heard that jungkook is causing troubles lately and being labeled as a 'troublemaker' in school .. and I'm here to change it ..

"are you and jungkook close ? You two seemed to go along well .. aren't you being bullied by him?" rosé asked .. I looked at him and laughed "Nah ~ speaking of bullying , I think I'm the one who's bullying him, rosé .. " she laughs at that ..

little did she know , jungkook is changing ...

"Hi babe" I smiled at the voice, I waited for him in my class  ,.. I felt him back hugging me .. "Hi ~ how's your classes ? any home works?" he kissed my neck and sighed "nope .. I finished it earlier so that I can cuddle with you" I smiled .. "Good boy ~ you need a reward for behaving this good ~ " he chuckled ..

"Can we cuddle?" I nodded "Sure jungkook" he leans in and peck my lips .. I blushed hard at his sudden actions .. "Love you" he said... I turn to him and squeezed his cheeks

"and I love you too ~"


a/n : felt like it could be a fanfic HAHAHAHAHA .. anyone ? BTW this was requested .. Hope u like it !

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