Tied Up

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The soft sounds of water dripping woke him from his stiff position. The side of his face pulsed and pounded with such intensity it started to give him a headache. Still disoriented from his forced slumber, Austin tried to make sense of his surrounds. It seemed like he was in a basement or cellar of some sort. Moonlight shone through the small rectangular window to his right, the light from the outside revealed the empty space, aside from a few wooden pallets leaned against the wall, some wooden crates and himself, he was alone. 

Austin's eyes then lead him down his body, he was tied to a ridged metal chair. He pulled at his restraints but found that it was useless at the moment. Austin tried to test the chair of its strength by tilting from side to side, however, it seemed that it had been bolted down to the concrete floor. His chest became heavy with worry and anxiety, he had never had this happen before. On the inside, he was panicking while on the outside he just looked blankly at the far wall.  He could faintly make out the outline of stairs that ended at the right for the room. He pulled at his restraints once more at the possible sight of his freedom. He stopped at the sounds that were made directly above him.




Unbearably loud footsteps along with wood scraping against wood erupted in the air. The abrasive sounds made him cringe. Heavy boots trudged and began to make their way down the stairs, the faint outline of a body became more apparent as they made their way deeper in the damp, humid hell. Austin said nothing but that didn't mean that the rest of his body didn't. He shook as the person moved toward him, their frame brightening with each step. Austin closed his eyes, bite his tongue and yanked on his restraints once more to no avail. His panic increasing but with no way to escape, he has to face this nightmare situation head-on.

"Little sheep, what has you so frightened?" Austin lifted his head a little but didn't open his eyes.

" Is it the dark that scares you so?" His mouth became dry. Did he really expect him to answer, he thought.

"No matter, you will be free of fear soon," Austin snapped his eyes open in an instant. He quivered at the sight before him. There was a tall bulky man leaning over him, he was dressed in black from head to toe. Their eyes cold and distant as if apathetic to what he was doing to Austin. They moved around the room with confidence, rummaging around for different things, blood-covered things. They then tried to pull over a wooden crate, also covered in a fair amount of blood. The noise of wood scraping across concrete made Austin feel sick.

The man started placing the unsanitary instruments on the gapped surface of the crate. Scissors, a small knife, a large knife, rope, a hammer, and nails. Austin began to hyperventilation, he didn't want to be tortured, he didn't want to die.

Soft music began to play drawing Austin out of his mind. The man placed their phone on the crate screen up so the blue glow could fill the room. Turning his eyes away from the distraction, his eye landing on the approaching figure. The man grabbed the smallest of the knives and in a cold voice he said, "Let's begin".

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2019 ⏰

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